
ague by Sequence 9

                          1997 QUALITY PRODUCTION

        ▄█████████████▄ ▄█████████████▄  ▐████▌ ▐████▌  ▄█████████████▄
        ███████████████ ███████████████  █████   █████  ███████████████ 
        █████▀   ▀█████ █████▀   ▀█████ ▐████▌   ▐████▌ █████▀   ▀█████
                 ▄█████ █████▄   ▄█████ █████     █████ █████▄   ▄█████ 
        ▄██████████████ ███████████████ █████     █████ ███████████████
        ███████████████ ▀██████████████ █████     █████ ██████████████▀
        █████▀   ▀█████          ▀█████ █████     █████ █████▀
        █████▄   ▄█████ █████▄   ▄█████ █████▄   ▄█████ █████▄-b-▄█████
        ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████
        ▀█████████████▀ ▀█████████████▀ ▀█████████████▀ ▀█████████████▀

               B Y    S  E  Q  U  E  N  C  E      N  I  N  E

                      ,, LOOKING INTO STROBO-SCOPE ''
                        nobody can do this like us.

 █▄ ▐█▌ ▄█
░██ █▒█ ██░    
  ▄░▀▀▀░▄       tHIz nIcE PrOdUCTIon iS eXAmPLE oF Few DaYS oF oUR hArD wORk.
 █▀ ▐█▌ ▀█      sORRy FOr NOT oPTYmALIzED sOME Of PARtS, BuT i've nOT eNOuGhT
       ▐▄   ▄▀▄ tIMe. wELL iS sOMeTHInG eLSe ? yEAH. iF iT DoEsN'T wORK trY 2
        ▀█ ▄▌ ▐ rUN tHIS wItH MOrE bAsE mEMOrY. iT iS sUPPORTING gus With 512
         ▐▌▌ ▐▀ /mORe oN - bOARD mEmOrY Or sILEnCE. vesa 1.2 SVGA.  nOw MaYBE 
     __  ▐▌▌▐▀  SoMEtHinG AboUt gUYs WhO cONTRIBUtE tO tHIS pROdUCTIOn.
    █▄ ▀▄▐▌▌▌
    ▀▄▀▄ ▀█▐     FOLKS WE aRE down heRe!
        ▀▌█      ■  BLAzE aS sPEAKErS dESTRuctOR.
          █      ■  fLAp As mAGEnTA-BOARD SYSTEM cODeR.
     _▄▀▄▀ ▀▀▄_  ■  sPLIT As mOV   AX,CX WRiTtEr.(yesterday Bloo or Bielu) 
 ▄-▀▀    ▄-▀▄  ▀▄
▐               ▐▌  tHAt'S aLL. Now mAYbE fEW gREETZ or mIdleST KiSsing.
▌               █   wET KISsEs goEs TO:
█    ▄▀▀█ ▐▀▀  ▐▌  acme.orange.absence.absolute.hypnotize.luzik.elysium.pulp.
▐▌     `  ▌ ' ▐▀  halcyon.pulse france.pulse poland[camel,scorpik].tate.paragon.
 ▐▌     ▀▄▀   █  swirl.hybrid.fatal justice.kloon.eufrosyne.tpolm!!!!.xenon dvl.
  █    _▄▄▄_ ▐  five coders.mandula.exmortis.poison.freezers.bigfatmama.thegrid.
   █   `~~~' ▌ necrobiosis.technomancer.autumn.illicit.dubius.you.nooon.inf.
    █~~\/~~~▐  arise.psychiclink.byterapers.polka.all techno dudes^all i forgot.
    █ │   │ █
    █ │   ▌ █  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ┌──────────┐
    █ │  │▌ █                                      hot thanx for   │ φZIR/HPZ │
    █ │  ▌▌ █  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────── └──────────┘
    █ │  ▌▌ █
    █ │  │▌ █         As nobody knows this is FUSE production, but shhh...
    █ │   ▌ █                    BLOO in incognito as Split
    █ │   │ █            Thanx to Sequence9 doodz for lending his label
    ▐ ▐▄▌▀▌▀▌                     zajebiste ascii by: Bloo
     ▌     ▐                   boring systems by bloo-blaze-flap
      ▌   ▐                      
       ▐ ▐          FOG effect in R/t raytraceing is faked but looks nice.
        █▌          SORRY...THIS TIME ONLY ABOUT 270000 RAYS PER A SECOND
        ▐              BUT IT WILL WORKZ QUITE FINE ON: !!! 486DX !!!
  SuperDuper Raytraceing method was invented by Ozir, but coded by me and Ozir.
 So, we can say that it's our own fast/blured/foged/realtime raytraceing stuff.

                        We are looking for more understanding.[FUSE]

  ZAWszE TAK SAMO, NIC NOwEGO - kOMERCHa, nIE KochaM POZER0W  -  KO_mer_cha!

                               taoishin palo orpha kamera _ bloo of fuse^seq9