
Music Disk 01 by Torment [web]

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|           === presents ===           |
|           ='music disk 1'=           |
|           === relesaed ===           |
|           ===    at    ===           |
|           === sun rise ===           |
|           ===   2011   ===           |
|                                      |
| Hello!                               |
| This is a little music disk that was |
|written over the course of about a year 
|using the 'pixilang' scripting        |
|language. I did it as an exercise to  |
|see if I could, no other reason, hence| 
|the 'done for fun'. However, there    |
|simply aren't enough hours in the day |
|anymore for me to do all new graphics,| 
|and as I have used ten of Rhinos older| 
|tunes, I figured that older graphics  | 
|would fit the theme too, well thats my| 
|excuse anyway :D                      |
|It will only run in a window and space| 
|quits.                                |
|Press K for keys                      |
|I have had this running for hours and |
|hours on my pc and I think I have     |
|cleared all the bugs, so it should    |
|happily sit on your computer and play |
|through all ten tracks then start     |
|again :)                              |
|                                      |
|cheers, spiny, september 2011         |
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