
Endtro 2011 by Blowjobb

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        \/  2011 eNdtro      \/ 

soundtrack: miker
code & gfx: dely
RMT player: raster
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by miker:
   to all you here and there, all
   pretty girls in this world and
   of course all you Atari sign
   lovers. Aaaataaarriii for you!

by lewiS:
   to all who stay Atari in 2011 
   and to all who will stay Atari 
   in 2012 and beyond

by mikey:
   to all active Atarians.

by dely:
   to all watching this very, very
   short, done i 2 days intro,
   all users of atariage.com,
   atari.org.pl and especially
   for you!

By LiSU:
   to all of ye watching this,
   stay Atari in 2012