
Game of Balls by Fgenesis

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  -= Game of Balls =-

Hi scene!

This is a quick partyhack 2-player game that was built within a few hours,
based on a little 2D-engine I've been developing and some script code from half a year ago.

The game is very simple:
  * Avoid getting blown up
  * Avoid to fall to the ground (instant death!)
  * Drop bombs on your opponent (BOOM!)
  * Destroy the ground
  * Avoid the other stuff flying around, it explodes too

Player 1 controls: Up/Down/Left/Right key (or gamepad/joystick 1)

Player 2 controls: WASD  (or gamepad/joystick 2)

The game is written in Lua (scripts/demo.lua), and the engine can be found on GitHub:

Greetings to my fellas at #lostvikings on Freenode. Time to get back to the real LV3 again ;)

... gotta run to the infodesk, the deadline runs out in like 3 minutes... bye!

False.Genesis / fgenesis^rev @ Revision 2013