
Deeper Focus by Adapt [web]

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                                  :       A D A P T
                                  :           @
                                  :     Revision 2015
                                       "deeper focus"

                                   Code     - Deepr
                                   Graphics - Mistral
                                   Graphics - Legend
                                   Graphics - Deepr
				   Graphics - Felor
                                   Graphics - Basscadet
                                   Music    - Basscadet
                                   Ascii    - Threaz/Twisted

	Deepr started 2 weeks ago making a new engine + toolset.
	This is the first production coming out of that toolset, although we ran out of time, 
	ran into problems with OpenGL 4.x several times and such, this is the final product.
	Missing some effects and final polish though... :)
	Using Adapted GNU Rocket, OpenGL 4.x, QT/QML Scripting and so on.

         Greetings to:
      Accession - Byterapers - Brainstorm - CNCD - Dekadence - DSS - NPLI - Portal Process 
      Kewlers - MFX - TRSI - Twisted - GIN - Bilotrip - Trilobit - Matt Current - JML - DCS
      Parallax - Ksylitol - Complex - TPOLM - Odelay - Pixheli - Damones (liek a virgin)
      Syntesthetics - FIT - SQNY - promille deZign - K2 - Ananasmurska - HBC - G-Cluster - Peisik
      And all we met at the Revision and all we have forgotten (very sorry!).

      Lovely wifes and dogs and cats.