
Ground Control

Ground Control
Ground Control is a Windows sync tracker (server side only) for the GNU Rocket editor.  
The editor is C# written and it allows lots of nice little features.

Ground Control is portable so there is no setup involved.  
The only prerequisite is [.NET framework v4.5](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30653)  
To use Ground Control download the [latest binaries](http://bit.ly/ground-control-bin), extract files and execute GroundControl.exe

Ground Control is has a similar features set to kusma/GNU Rocket project.  
However, it includes several improvements:
- Easier keyboard navigation and editing
- Side-by-side audio waveform view
- Mouse friendly user interface
- Key position sliding
- Track removing/hiding/renaming/reordering
- Underlying file format is the same as the original GNU Rocket editor
- Delphi numeric style bookmarks
- Creation of keys based on "current" track value

Keyboard shortcuts
| Shortcut                 | Action                       |
| Up/Down/Left/Right/Tab   | Move cursor                  |
| PgUp/PgDn                | Move cursor page up or down  |
| Home/End                 | Move cursor to beginning/end |
| Ctrl+Up/Down/Left/Right  | Jump to closest key          |
| W/A/S/D                  | Slide selected keys          |
| Enter                    | Enter key frame value        |
| Del                      | Delete key frame             |
| i                        | Enumerate interpolation mode |
| k                        | Set/Clear bookmark           |
| Ctrl+Shift+1/2/3..       | Set/Clear numbered bookmark  |
| Ctrl+1/2/3..             | Go to a numbered bookmark    |
| Space                    | Pause/Resume demo            |
| Shift+Up/Down/Left/Right | Select                       |
| Ctrl+C                   | Copy                         |
| Ctrl+V                   | Paste                        |
| Ctrl+Z                   | Undo                         |
| Ctrl+Y                   | Redo                         |
| Alt+Shift+Up/Down        | Quick-bias by +/- 0.1        |
| Alt+Up/Down              | Quick-bias by +/- 1          |
| Alt+PgUp/PgDn            | Quick-bias by +/- 10         |
| Alt+Shift+PgUp/PgDn      | Quick-bias by +/- 100        |