
Trip into your mind by Norferin

                           █      sixth   demo      █
                           █         called         █ 
                           █                        █
                           █  Trip into your mind   █       
              first presented at the Gravity 97 party in Opole

 █  Code.Linking.Design............................................Zsacul █
 █  Code.Graphics.Design..............................doctor.Frankenstein █
 █  Music.Design.....................................................Juve █

    Requirements: Pentium procesor, 8Mb ram, Sb/Gus,
                  Svga (Vesa 1.2 - Univbe 5.3), 3.0 Mb Hdd

 █      Hi dudes ! This is our new production called "Trip into your mind"   
 █  made especially for Gravity, i hope you enjoy it. It was  really hard    
 █  piece of work to produce this small baby in so  short time, eh.  Last
 █  week  before  party was terrible, coding, sleeping, coding, sleeping...
 █  But the most  important thing is, that we have done it... We're  really
 █  happy... hi,hi... Why "Trip ..." ? I dont know, that's Zsacul's idea.
 █  Maybe he likes trips into his mind :)... So do I, hi, hi...               
 █      All works in hicolor 16bpp (where available),  all  textures by me
 █  (doctor), cool music done  by Juve.  Yes ,  tunel part  is a sample of
 █  Zsacul's realtime 320/200 (64000 rays) ray-tracking engine. 
 █  Rest is the silence...
                                The First Demo                              █
                            Contribution To Nirvana                         █
                                  Blue Flush                                █ 
                             Everlasting Dimensions                         █
                                 Ancient Plate                              █
                     >>>>>>> Trip Into Your Mind <<<<<<<<<                  █