
plastisk kirurgi by Yaphan

this is a final version of our oldschool intro.
 . ..plastisk kirurgi by yaphan...

in the previous intro you had to have a card
that supported a 320x200 resolution. some of you dont have such card.

the final version features:
- a menu where you can choose between windowed/fullscreen mode,
  320x200 and 640x480 resolution. must be still 32bit.

- windowed mode and 640x480 resolution(a wrapped 320x200 mode)
  (for those of you who didnt get the party version to work)
- fixed memory bugs

(if intro not work.. screw this shit) there are some bugs there, I know.

forgot to mention Spaceballs in our greets. you rule!

personal greetings to guru, tham, tripex, caviller, snillfisk
and those of you who deserves it ;)
