
Silly Venture 2017 Invitro by JAC! [web]

;	>>> SV2K17 Invitro by JAC! - Winners don't use ANTIC <<<
;	An 16k (F6) demo for the Atari 2600.
;	Supports PAL50, NTSC60, PAL60, NTSC60.
;	Created for Sillyventure 2017 in Gdansk.
;	Code and graphics by JAC!, sound by Glafouk, text by Grey.
;	Created using WUDSN IDE - http://www.wudsn.com.
;	V0.1-2013-07-09 (sine scroll,rink a dink intro, pre-party version 2013)
;	V0.2-2014-08-26 (restarted pre-party version 2014)
;	V0.3-2017-04-25 (restarted pre-party version 2017)
;	V1.0-2017-06-30 (released version)
;	Controls:
;	Press "Reset" (F2) switch to restart the demo.
;	Press "Select" (F1) skip to the next part.
;	Use "Color/BW" (F3/F4) switch to select "PAL/NTSC" mode. 
;	Use "Left Player Difficulty" switch (F5/F6) switch to select "PAL50/NTSC60" and "PAL60/NTSC50" mode.
;	Use "Right Player Difficulty" switch (F7/F8) switch to select double/single width character mode.
;	Thanks to: 
;	Grey^MSB for having the guts to organize Sillyventure 2017!
;	Kylearan^Cluster for creating TIA tracker !
;	Glafouk^Flush for squeezing cool tunes out of it!
;	Greetings and respect to:
;	Altair, Cluster, DMA, Flush, GP, Noice, Tjoppen, Trilobit, TRSI, XayaX
;	Trivia:
;	The 12 characters sine scroller (DCYP) runs at a height of 160
;	scanlines and is the first sine scroller of that size on the VCS.
;	Each character is 7 scanlines high and has a different, position
;	dependent color.
;	The original sine scroller was conceived and implemented in 2013.
;	But I could not release it at Sillyventure 2014 because there was
;	no VCS music available anywhere in the world. That's when I stopped
;	coding for the VCS, because "hard" AND "no music" suxxx. Years later
;	Kylearan created TIA Tracker and changed the VCS world.
;	Finally musicians don't have to be coders anymore.
;	https://bitbucket.org/kylearan/tiatracker
;	The intro screen was inspired by Rink a Dink Redux
;	which impressed me a lot at Revision 2013.
;       Note that the "50 Hz" in the VCS intro part text is just a reference
;	to the original and has nothing to do with the actual selected mode.
;	https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AXQOuHQuMQ
;	More technical details can be found at
;	http://www.wudsn.com/index.php/productions-atari2600/demos/sv2k17