
netherworld by Headcrash [web]

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$                                                                           $
$ Henryk was shuddering. For three days he couldn't have a rest, walking    $
$ on, always hoping to find a place where someone was living, to meet a     $
$ human beeing, to talk to someone.                                         $
$ It was raining heavily and he was angry that he had believed the beggar   $
$ from the town Middenheim to take this way! The street was becoming worser $
$ and worser and he was hungry. Besides that he was badly injured from the  $
$ fight with a marauding Goblin. These green skined species were loosy      $
$ warriors and he only had a deep wound in his arm because he had already   $
$ been very exhausted. Damn Goblins ! When he ever would meet one again, he $
$ surely would divide him into four parts !                                 $
$ He kicked a branch and touched for his firestone,an item he surely wasn't $
$ in favour to loose now.                                                   $
$ Suddenly the forest had an end and he stood on a wide field. A strange    $
$ feeling was lying in the air. Although it was dark and raining, and only  $
$ the moon was a source of poor light the scenery seemed lightened and warm.$
$ The grass was green with some brown blades in it and it looked like very  $
$ good grass ! Maybe he could find a town somewhere !                       $
$ And then he saw it.                                                       $
$ Dark and incredible big - a monumental building with towers reaching so   $
$ high in the sky that he couldn't see where they ended. The clouds were    $
$ moving onwards and he now could see the castle in all his size. He was    $
$ impressed.                                                                $
$ What a feeling ! He found a sign of human beeing, a place to be safe from $
$ strange creatures in the forests, a place which gives protection from the $
$ cold rain, a place where perhaps a friendly lord might give him something $
$ to eat and drink....and a bed.                                            $
$ He was speeding up his march towards the building. It was surrounded by a $
$ beautiful garden. Strangely,fires were burning in it. "A wealthy lord for $
$ sure !" Henryk thought and suddenly stood in front of an impressive       $
$ wooden entrance. To his right, covered in the fog he saw a cemetery.      $
$ Luckily he didn't see that the tombstones were decorated with skulls...   $
$ And luckily he didn't see that there was a real skull behind the next     $
$ corner...a skull with the skeleton belonging to it...and it's eyes weren't$
$ dead. They shined red when the screeching of the entrance was to hear and $
$ the dead hand was taking the sword near it...                             $
$ Henryk entered the dark building.                                         $
$ He surely would never forget the following hours...                       $
ⁿæ                                                                         æⁿ
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$   Netherworld - (c) HeadcrasH '99,2k                                      $
$                                                                           $
$                                                                           $
$   kode                    :  StyX                                         $
$   muzak                   :  N.r.t.h                                      $
$   3d modelling            :  myrdin                                       $
$   additional 3d modelling :  StyX                                         $
$   animation               :  StyX                                         $
$   gfx                     :  myrdin, N.r.t.h, hellfire^haujobb            $
$   music system            :  midas system by Sahara Surfers, (c) by       $
$                              Housemarque Inc.                             $
$   ending & nfo ascii's    :  StyX                                         $
$                                                                           $
$   -special thanks to hellfire for the kick-ass pictures and coding help   $
$   -also special thanks to ys^digital words for his cool DataLink          $
$   -the 3ds loader and some other parts (quaternions..) are taken from the $
$    free CLAX system, (c) Borzom                                           $
$   -png loader by hellfire^haujobb (based on free zlib source)             $
$   -big thanks to all other people who supported us - you know who you are $
$                                                                           $
$   contact us:  read the hcr.nfo                                           $
ⁿæ                                                                         æⁿ
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$   System Requirements:                                                    $
$                                                                           $
$   Minimum:     Pentium 166                                                $
$                16Mb RAM                                                   $
$                any GFX Card you like                                      $
$                VBE 2.0                                                    $
$                                                                           $
$   (Rem.: This demo was optimized to run at least on a P200 and as it runs $
$    o.k. a P166 should be enough. Will _only_ run on Pentium class pc's)   $
$                                                                           $
$   Recommended: Pentium 200+                                               $
$                16Mb RAM                                                   $
$                No 3d hardware supported, so no matter which card you've   $
$                installed                                                  $
$                Rest as above                                              $
$                                                                           $
$   MMX not supported (yet ?)                                               $
$                                                                           $
$   Because we don't want to waste your time with boredom while waiting for $
$   more data, the 16Mb of memory are essential due to preloading.          $
ⁿæ                                                                         æⁿ
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$   Troubleshooting:                                                        $
$                                                                           $
$   Problem:  MIDAS tells me tales about not being able to synchronize to   $
$             display refresh                                               $
$   Solution: This is when you run it not under plain DOS. However,we never $
$             had any problems due to that, neither with this demo nor with $
$             others using MIDAS. So you may continue (or really boot DOS)  $
$                                                                           $
$   Problem:  The magic of sound is not willing to stay in my soundcard     $
$   Solution: MIDAS has problems with IRQ's higher than 7. So maybe re-     $
$             configure your soundcard so that the IRQ is 7 or below.       $
$                                                                           $
$   Problem:  The evil demo soul decides to hang the demo after initializing$
$             the soundcard                                                 $
$   Solution: Maybe try manual configuration. Start demo with NETHER m      $
$             Also make sure you have your SET BLASTER=.... or something    $
$             similar in your autoexec as this is needed for autodetect     $
$                                                                           $
$   Problem:  The evil demo soul is even more evil and hangs the demo right $
$             somewhere in the middle                                       $
$   Solution: Win98 (maybe also 95) can cause nasty problems. We are sorry  $
$             but we can't change it. Try plain DOS                         $
$                                                                           $
$   Problem:  I'm a faithful person and fear the devil and all evil forces  $
$   Solution: Then run for your life                                        $
$                                                                           $
ⁿæ                                                                         æⁿ
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$   Distributing the demo:                                                  $
$                                                                           $
$   This demo is copyright (c) by all members of HeadcrasH.                 $
$   You are not allowed to spread this demo for commercial purposes         $
$   without a written permission. If you want to use it for such purposes   $
$   please contact us.                                                      $
$   Feel free to spread it on any demoscene-oriented website, cd, bbs or    $
$   whatever as long as you don't charge money for it. Keep all files of    $
$   the original release package together.                                  $
ⁿæ                                                                         æⁿ
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$   Additional greets:                                                      $
$                                                                           $
$   StyX: hellfire, doj, pascal, Borzom, Mr. Vain, Makke, Abyss, Adok, Ys,  $
$         Voodoo, Kowboy, Poti (no, not cologne...), Faxe, Morpheus,        $
$         myrdin, "the one we can't live without"                           $
$         n.r.t.h., "the last second man"                                   $
$         and the rest of the elkcrew, Ctulhu and ThUmB, "the lazy ones" ;) $
$   N.r.t.h.: greuh! (juan, tcr, fakir, sph), Trebel (Makke, Tonic), Atari  $
$             dead's animal mine (titan), ukonx (deemphasis), mankind (tex) $
$   Myrdin: orion, amphetamine, #pixelfr, #demofr, #amphetamine             $
$           ronan, sear, muetdhiver, plokiju, aziraphale, niouf, niouse,    $
$           CGG, FrotZ, gORTI and                                           $
$           n.r.t.h: New Road To Hell :)))                                  $
ⁿæ                                                                         æⁿ
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$ ...                                                                       $
$ Henryk kicked out the grille of the cellar window and jumped outside. He  $
$ was exhausted and threw away his heavy shield. "God" he thought "I'll buy $
$ a new one in the next town."                                              $
$ With his last power he ran over the graveyard and climbed over the small  $
$ wall around the castle. Heavily breathing he ran on towards the next hill $
$ Away, just away from this horrible place. He couldn't remember how long he$
$ had been running on and on although the terrible castle was already lying $
$ 5 Imperial miles behind him. Suddenly he saw a light in the dark. Not only$
$ one light, many lights. A town. To the right he saw the sea glittering in $
$ the moonlight.                                                            $
$ He had reached Nuln.                                                      $
$ With a deep sigh he fell on the ground and started to pray.               $
$ ...                                                                       $
$ When he woke up the sun was already shining. It was hot and some farmers  $
$ who found him were glancing at him as if he was a Troll. But after they   $
$ realized that he only wanted to rest in the town they soon behaved more   $
$ friendly and together with them Henryk walked down the hill.              $
$ In the tavern he gave the stunned landlord 7 goldpieces for a bed and     $
$ menaced him not to dare to wake him up before the next midday.            $
$.                                                                         .$
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.so I stand still in front of the crowd
        .excited faces - what will be next ?
                .I still don't have a clue !
                        .I still don't have a clue...

.The Minstrel, Blind Guardian
.thank you guys for keeping me alive during never ending coding nights