
Besmudge by Poo-Brain [web]

- Besmudge -
A 16k PC intro released at revision 2019

- Credits -
Music: Spiked-Maniac
Visuals: Tropical-Trevor
Tools: Oidos by Blueberry, SqrMelon by Poo-Brain

Spiked-Maniac approached me with an awesome work in progress tune done in Oidos,
but since I forgot how to do 4ks I decided to just use my 64k toolset.

After a quick and dirty setup of the demo we realized it was only 22k, of course 
more content had to go in but nothing was optimized yet either. 

Thus we decided to make it a 16k no matter what! Dead code removal, 
shady shader minification, completely new animation data format for SqrMelon,
plus a ton of quantization on the music made it all fit!

Shoutouts to Hamburger.