
chipsy kings #1 by Chipsy Kings

                                                          :        :
                           C H I P S Y   K I N G S        ..........
                                                          :        :
                              produly presents            :        :
                                                          :        :
                              chip pack called            ..........
                                                          :        :
                 ____ .___.      __  _________  ___    __. ____ ...:
                / __/_|_  |______\/._\    _  /_/ _/___/  |/   /    :
              _/  |   _/       /     |   |/   /____  /___    / sK!.:
   _____ ___  \   |   \   |    \     |   |___/   |/ /  /    /  ___ _____
   \____\\\_\\ \_______\__|_____\____|___| /________\ /____/ //_///____/
                  .___.___   __  _________  ____     ___  ..........
                  |   |__/___\/._\    _  /_/___/____/ _/___        :
                  |        /     |   |/   / \_   _/_____  /........:
                  |   |    \     |   |   /   |   \    |/ /..........
     _ _/\_ _____ |___|_____\____|___|__/\________\______\:_____ _/\_
                        -+ c h i p s y   k i n g s +-     :        :
                                                          :        :
                                     /\                   ..........
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\___                                \ //                  :........:       ___/
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  |                                                       :        :        |
  |  Surowe dzwieki - skoczne melodie - duzo oldschool'u  :........:        |
  |  Chipsy Kings #1 Produkt przeznaczony dla maniakow    ..........        |
  |  syntetycznego brzmienia rysowanego prawym            :        :        |
  |  przyciskiem myszki.:)                                :........:        |
  |                                                       ..........        |
  |                  Kolejne numery Ck! nie-wykluczone:)  .        .        |
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  ::::ABOUT:.                                                               |
  |                           name... Chipsy Kings #1                       |
  |                                                                         |
  |                           type... musicdisc                             |
  |                                                                         |
  |                           released on... freely                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |                           date... 03.01.2003                            |
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  :.                                                                        |
  ::::::.CREEDITS:.                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |                      .code.....  dArKy / iNdepeNdent                    |
  |                                                                         |
  |                   .graphic.....  MAntRa / AddiCt                        |
  |                                                                         |
  |                     .music.....  kArloz / Ck! ^ freeLancers             |
  |                                                                         |
  |                     .music.....  dAkOta / Ck! ^ moONFlow               .:
  |                                                                     ..:::
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |                     .Ascii.....  SimonKing! / The LoOp                  |
  |                                                                         |
  |                      .Azki.....  sHinoR / EncepHalOn                    |
  |                                                                         |
  |               official spreader  m0nK / Scream ^ mOOnFlow               |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  :.                                                                       .:
  ::::::::::::::::.             -= TUNE LIST =-         .::::::::::::::::::::
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |     01.  Mary's monastery                           K a r l o z         |
  |     02.  Blue eyes Girl............................ D a k o t a         |
  |                                                                         |
  |     03.  Naked fat old woman                        K a r l o z         |
  |     04.  Poranek w dolinie muminkow................ D a k o t a         |
  |                                                                         |
  |     05.  Jump                                       K a r l o z         |
  |     06.  ChioChip's................................ D a k o t a         |
  |                                                                         |
  |     07.  Angry humpster                             K a r l o z         |
  |     08.  Skifa #2.................................. K a r l o z         |
  |                                                                         |
  |     09.  Renament w burdelu                         K a r l o z         |
  |     10.  Flicker................................... D a k o t a         |
  |                                                                         |
  |     11.  Monk it's Zonk                             D a k o t a         |
  |     12.  Usypianka................................. K a r l o z         |
  |                                                                         |
  |     13.  Binary World                               D a k o t a         |
  |     14.  Hakuna Dakota............................. K a r l o z         |
  |                                                                         |
  |     15.  Corn flakes                                K a r l o z         |
  |     16.  Ufo ate my Girl........................... K a r l o z         |
  |                                                                         |
  |     17.  Imposible Chip                             D a k o t a         |
  |     18.  Pi 3,14................................... K a r l o z         |
  |                                                                         |
  |     19.  Alinoe anthem                              K a r l o z         |
  |     20.  Merry part 6.............................. K a r l o z         |
  |                                                                         |
  |     21.  Obsession                                  D a k o t a         |
  |     22.  I want sleep.............................. K a r l o z         |
  |                                                                         |
  :.                                                                       .:
  ::::::::::::::::::::::.   -= Chipsy Kings Members =-   .::::::::::::::::::
  |                                                                         |
  |                             Karloz    ...msx                            |
  |                                                                         |
  |                             Dakota    ...msx                            |
  |                                                                         |
  |                             iF 'U want join:                            |
  |                                                                         |
  :.                                                                       .:
  :::::::::::::::::::::::.      -= CONTACT =-       .::::::::::::::::::::::::
  |                                                                         |
  |:Email:.                                                                 |
  |                                                                         |
  |            dakota...........................dakota@scene.pl.....        |
  |            karloz...........................karlos@scene.pl.....        |
  |            mantra...........................mantra@ids.pl.......        |
  |            darky............................draky@poczta.onet.pl        |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |Snail:.                                                                  |
  |            dakota / moonflow^cK!          Karloz/Freelancers^cK!        |
  |                                                                         |
  |               Marek Kusmierz                  Karol Kurtyka             |
  |              ul.Golezycka 34/1            Biadoliny radl.   216	    |
  |                W r o c l a w               B i a d o l i n y            |
  |                  54 - 152                       32 - 828                |
  |                                                                         |
  |                   Poland                         Poland                 |
   |____________________________               ____________________________|
    /                                                                     \
   |                                                                       |
  |                                                                         |
  |                           -= Greetings to =-                            |
  |.                                                                        |
  :::.Groups                                                                |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |
  |       Addict Alinoe  Altair Anadune Analogik Atmosphere Delirium        |
  |      Distort Waves Encephalon Excreate Exmortis Filet Freelancers       |
  |      GG squad  Jump Marsmellow   Moonflow   Madwizard   Nah-Kolor       |
  |      Procreation Rain  Rush Spiral Suspend The Grid Scream Pastel       |
  |       Propaganda The Loop  The Beast Staff #polishscene scene.pl        |
  |.                                                                        |
  :::.People                                                                |
  |                                                                         |
  |    Mantra Darky Monk Akira Blz Toth  Shizoos Ural Simonking Ganim Rts   |
  |    Soulrider  Unaware  Tra7 Cycu Moosh Rzs Podo Niggle Booncol Selena   |
  |    Nordbasse Singer Stilgar  Binar  Biter Energy Bamboos Willy Pienia   |
  |    Dob Marko Kbi  Biter  Shiz Meez Spider  Murdock Arson Kinia Shinor   |
  |    Dusk AcidLarve Kopernik  Tr8c3na Bla  Nether 6a2a9  Lopez Ironhand   |
  |    Payda Spin Ninja Costa Kasha Bojkar Szwagier Diomatic Siatek Alkor   |
  |    Count CCT Lesnik  Statique Solo Chebdo Nuriel Skuter Damien Dope13   |
  |.                                                                        |
  :::. Special greetz and thanks:                                           |
  |                                                                         |
  | Mantra / Addict                   for very preaty graphic               |
  | Darky / independent               for uncrashed amazing code;)          |
  | SimonKing! / The Loop             for very nice ascii                   |
  | Shinor / Encephalon               for crazy azki;)))                    |
  | Toth / Freelancers                for little code support               |
  | SoulRider / Delirium              for little code support               |
  | Blz / Exmortis^Razor1911^Trsi     for moral support and select tune;)   |
  |                                                                         |
  ::. We love:))):                                                          |
  |                                                                         |
  | Alinoe                                                                  |
  | Atmosphere                                            :........:        |
  | Freelancers                                           ..........        |
  | Moonflow                                              :        :        |
  | Marsmellow                                            :........:        |
  |                                                                         |
  | .words: dakota/Ck!               /\     Ck#1 2k+3     ..........        |
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\____                               \ //                  :........:       ___/\
/_|_/                                \/                   ..........        |_\/
  |  Chipsy Kings poszukuje nowych memberow jesli lubisz  :        :        |
  |  robic chipy i zwykle xm'y, masz ochote na join to    :........:        |
  |  skrobnij maila: dakota@scene.pl i podeslij swoja     ..........        |
  |   muze.  Czekaj cierpliwie na odpowiedz...    ________:        :        |
   \____________________________________________/         .        .--------' 
                                                          .        .         
    Ascii: SimonKing! - (thx!)