
Circulin256 by optimus

Circulin256 by Optimus

This is my first test attempt to code anything on Acorn Archimedes. ARM opcodes take lot's of bytes for size optimizing and there was no space for something more. I initially wanted to code some blobs moving around but not even space for a sine curve. Ended up with circuloids by hacking random stuff on the code till I get something interesting :)

I am not vsyncing or anything so this could be going too fast (it's fast and smooth in my A7000+, slower but ok in other machines under Arculator). I hope I am doing everything ok and doesn't crash on other machines.

Special thanks for help to these sources:
https://github.com/kieranhj/doom-fire where I've seen how to successfully compile and run an example project, where I got the swis header.
ChibiAliens ARM assembly tutorials, https://www.chibialiens.com/arm/platform.php#LessonP1

I think if you copy circulin.ff8 binary to arculator hostfs then it might run (or you might need to set the file type to FF8, middle click on the icon and find it)
I zipped that I also can open in my Archimedes with SparkFS and hopefully the file type will be kept the same and not lost (sorry, I am new to how RISCOS works)
