
Xonik by Jin X

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  │                     [ Xonik ]                    │
  │          256-byte game for PC x86 / DOS          │
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  │                  (c) 2022 Jin X                  │
  │         (t.me/jinxonik · jin_x@list.ru)          │
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  │         Special for L♥VEBYTE party 2022          │
  │                 Nano Game compo                  │
  │                                                  │
  │           https://youtu.be/15YbBlVNrRM           │
  │                                                  │

Here is a classic Xonix game with minor changes.

So, on the screen you see a large sea, around which is a small piece of land.
Your task is to move a small dot and repaint the whole sea into land, cutting
off it pieces that are not occupied by enemies. Yes, you have enemies who are
trying to destroy you. They can do it only if they crash into you or into the
path line that you draw on the sea.  Some enemies move by sea,  some by land.
However, they can move from sea to land and vice versa through convex corners
(which you can create specifically).

In the main (but not in the bonus) version of the game,  you can safely cross
your path line or go back. I also want to note that when you reach land after
crossing the sea, all unoccupied areas of the sea are painted over  (not just
those you moved through).

Use the arrow keys to move, Space/Enter to stop, Esc to exit.

Good luck! ;)