
Step In The Arena by Division Zero [web]

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==                                                                      =
=         -  diViSiON zER0 presents  :  sTep in the aRena  -            =
=                                                                       =
=                                                                       =
=                                                                       =
=     -   code : aLAN    -    gfx : woD-k    -    sfx : bLa.   -        =
=                                                                       =
=                                                                       =
=                                                                      ==

Requires DirextX 8.1, a fast PC and a good gfx card rolling 32b.

This is the Borntro from Division Zero.

Were looking for talentuous members ...

If you are motivated and want to join us, try this :

or mail us : division.zero@free.fr
