
256b Zoomer by Extream

256b Zoomer by Emphii / eXtream, 10.-12.8.2022

Quickly put together 256 bytes entry to Silly Venture 2022 Summer Edition,
held 12.-14.8. in Gdansk, Poland.

This intro runs on regular Atari Falcon 030/16Mhz/RGB|TV, no VGA this time,
sorry about that.

I recommend to turn power off and on after watching as this intro writes to
system vectors and may cause unexpected behaviour when only reset is pressed.

Sunny summer greetings goes to 
* rest of the eXtream members, Silly Venture visitors (local/remote)
* Instanssi orgs & ppl, Assembly orgs & ppl, Atari scene ppl generally
* and Viitasaaren Digikeskus

                     - https://extreamdemoscene.org -

                                                      Emphii / eXtream