
ultraBooST by Cream [web]

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        \/       \/        \/         \/    2022 \/ 

Name of entry: ultraBooST
Authors: cream
Competition category: Wild
Hardware configuration:	Atari 1040 STE 2 MB Ram
+ Video modification ultraBooST

The hardware is able to display up to 3 layers
with each 256 (768 in all) colors out of 16,78m colors.
And alot more.

Download url: http://ultradev.ultrafex.de/ultraboost/ultraBooST0.5.zip

Addtional Informations:	http://ultradev.ultrafex.de/ultraboost.html
Steem and api page:	http://ultradev.ultrafex.de/ultrabooststeemandapi.html

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CukRj5bZuc