
4 color stuff by Excess Team

| Full name of work: 4 color stuff
| Compo: 128b intro
| Requirements: Elektronika BK0010-01
| Contacts: adam@bazaroff.com

| code: Adam Bazaroff/Excess team

| First shown on Inércia Demoparty 2022
| https://2022.inercia.pt/

| Video: https://youtu.be/ooZvrHxKWrc

How to run on emulator?

BK2010 java emulator http://sandro.pdp-11.ru

	1. Copy "4ClrStf.bin" file to "files" folder
	2. Run emulator with "BK0010 + Basic" config
	3. Press "Ctrl+Alt+F8" (win) or "Shift+Ctrl+F8" (Mac) for color mode
	4. Type "MO" hit Enter
	5. Type "M" Enter "4clrstf" Enter "S" Enter

| More BK stuff on our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUv_-dSuj9a5O7fCcu4_Rw
| BK0010/11M telegram channel: https://t.me/bk0010_11m