
No Problem by Illi Recentes ImperatoreS

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                                .. presents ..

                                 "NO PROBLEM"

                        For the 48K Oric-1 / Oric Atmos

                   Code & Graphics ................... Xeron
                   Music ........................... h0ffman

This whole demo was put together in about 4 weeks leading up to Nova 2023,
including creating an entirely new Oric development environment. The end result
is short but sweet, and I think I succeeded in my goal of pushing the envelope
for Oric demos. I hope at some point to make another Oric demo when I have more
time to really push it further. The source for this demo will be up on github
some time after the party, once I find time to tidy it up a bit.

Thanks to h0ffman for the amazing tune, and putting up with my nagging.

THANK YOU so much to Gasman, h0ffman, Kieren, Vampire and Dbug for your help to
get a good capture of the demo from real hardware for the compo! You guys are

See you in the next one!