
Transmute by DuskWave

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Transmute by Duskwave

something to dream about

another humble AMOS demo for the Amiga
with non-kosher hardware requirements

enjoy :)
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Transmute - an Amiga demo by Duskwave
released at Xenium 2023, Lodz, Poland

music (Dissident.mod) by Slaze/Desire
graphics by Critikill/S16 and Steffest
3D by Domel, Marcin
idea, code by Domel

this is a non-AGA demo but it requires some resources
tested on 68040 40 MHz Amiga 1200 with 16 MB RAM
it requires 2 MB Chip and 8 MB Fast RAM

it doesn't work properly with SetPatch 45.15!
other SetPatch versions tested OK: 43.6, 44.38, 44.44
including them for troubleshooting purpuses
in system/ drawer (also some 680x0.libraries,
they aren't easy to find thorough the internet)

used software:
AMOSPro - Francois Lionet
AMCAF extension by Chris Hodges
PersonalPaint and AmigaForever by Cloanto
Blender by Blender Foundation
MidJourney by MidJourney, Inc.

Thank you everyone for help!

Artwork created by Critikill:
- initial cartoon rocket
- Duskwave logo
- spaceboy background under the logo
- the Astroman
- Transmute logo
- kid's avatar under the aurora
- student avatar
- pilot amid flight avatar
- two space stations
- boy with rocket in hand
- end credits cloud background
- credit font and logos

Artwork created by Steffest:
- lakeside, both versions (with and without aurora)
- child's room
- university lab
- launch site + rocket

graphic work created with Midjourney:
- panorama strips

3D created by Marcin:
- Earth globe

3D created by Domel:
- the Monolith