
Solar Powered by Team210 [web]

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 /  /   ___\   \___\  \          ¯¯¯¯          \
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           \/        ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯       /

            :: Solar Powered ::
             by NR4 / Team210

                :: Size ::  
                3178 bytes

              :: Instructions ::
                   Run exe.
   Don't get nervous when it takes some time.

                :: The Krew ::
                  NR4 - Code


    Last minute new year compo entry to give
         juvi / epoqe some worthy competition ;-)

         ... it has colors. (Fuck yeah 90 Megabytes tool binary size!)
         ... it has fractals. (They are not hard to design, regardless what some people say!)
         ... it has path tracing. (See brackets above!)
         ... it was fun to make it. (And that's what all that is about!)
            Happy new year 2024!

               :: Greetings ::
            * Abyss-Connection       
            * Accession              
            * Alcatraz               
            * AttentionWhore   
            * Bitbendaz      
            * Copernicium            
            * Dekadence              
            * Die Wissenden          
            * Epoch
            * epoqe                  
            * Farbrausch             
            * Genesis Project        
            * Jumalauta              
            * Kewlers                
            * K2
            * Logicoma               
            * Mercury                
            * Metalvotze             
            * MFX                    
            * Neurocorp              
            * Never                  
            * Rift                   
            * Schnappsgirls          
            * Spacepigs & Muhmac :)  
            * The Electronic Knights 
            * Vacuum                 
            * Wursthupe              
            * 5711                   

         CU @ any party that is held in
         person 2k24. I hope it is the
         ---> Revision!!!