
ChipChop 17 by Desire [web]

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------> DESIRE >> CHIPCHOP 17! ---7_____:___\|____|/_______\`----!NE7/dS!-
| Your friends at DESIRE are super proud to present you with ChipChop 17 |
| A digital symphony of 168 minutes of pure chiptune madness. Featuring  |
| 72 song titles packed into just one 880 Kb Amiga 3.5" floppy DD disk.  |
| This collection showcases the talents of 69 amazing artists from both  |
| the demoscene and chiptune community. Dive into the essence of digital |
| sound and nostalgia, brought to you in a compact, yet expansive medium.|
 \                                                                      /
 / +------ GFX: Lowlife ---- CODE: Gigabates --- SUPPORT: RamonB5 ----+ \
 \_____________________                            _____________________/
 /_____________________\  ChipChop 17 Musicians:  /_____________________\
(                       \________________________/                       )
 \                                                                      /
  \  A heartfelt tribute to each artist who contributed their unique   /
  /  sound to ChipChop 17. Your dedication and creativity resonate     \
 /   through every note, making it a landmark release.                  \
(                                                                        )
|                                                                        |
|   GH           Bay Tremore   laamaa        Tobikomi      ziphoid       |
|   alpa         Curt Cool     Gemini        andy          Punnik        |
!   Maak         Virgill       Soda7         turbo knight  rapture       !
|   Notorious    xyce          Okeanos       Robyn         Earthling     |
|   tecon        neuroflip     mA2E          Octapus       nooly         |
|   yzi          dvibe         Ne7           Triace        Uctumi        |
|   ulrick       No-XS         Josss         hyperunknow   Alex Menchi   |
|   gouafhg      TFX           dusthillresi  Slash         Buddy         |
!   Qwan         mrGamer       Serpent       impulsefus7   Optic         !
|   Paula Haunt  ASIKWUSpulse  AdamJ         Wertstahl     Samplr        |
|   w.o.t.w      Omniq         Getafix       TNK           Cytron        |
|   Weezer       Comatron      remute        Woober        nE7           |
:   Slaze        tzx           Danny mattis  GWEM          tEIS          :
.   Juice        goto80        mister robot  akaobi        NOXW          .

|   Each of you has infused ChipChop 17 with life, rhythm, and soul.     |
!   Thank you for your immeasurable contributions to this compilation.   !