Why all the ridiculous comentarier about cancer?
category: general [glöplog]
Why everything is equaled to cancer in pöuet?
First only piracy was equal to cancer, now almost everything is
First only piracy was equal to cancer, now almost everything is
probably because cancer kills, and they want to equalize this killing thing with other things that might kill.
personally, i think that's wrong because you might hurt some people that could be affected or any relative affected by.
a much more reliable comment would be "xyz sucks" but then that would be putting a bad karma at the act of blow job, so maybe it's not so good after all.
personally, i think that's wrong because you might hurt some people that could be affected or any relative affected by.
a much more reliable comment would be "xyz sucks" but then that would be putting a bad karma at the act of blow job, so maybe it's not so good after all.
jorge: yep, we wouldnt want you to think giving head is a bad thing the next time you would be giving me one. defnitly not.
"cancer is the right answer"
"cancer is the right answer"