
Now this Breakpoint shit is over, so come to Simulaatio

category: general [glöplog]
we want adult venue with adult entertainment!
added on the 2007-04-18 21:09:21 by nosfe nosfe
uncle-x, I’m working on it. Maybe I’ll bring some. :)
added on the 2007-04-18 21:31:59 by Bombe Bombe
the one at simu3d was more "adult", but afaik it also was more expensive too... it was cooler though.
added on the 2007-04-19 01:49:55 by teel teel
.. Yeah it was so adult that the police showed up when people boozed at the parking lot right outside the party place (which, also, was almost downtown)..
added on the 2007-04-19 07:10:59 by leijaa leijaa
what is it with police and their attitude against people boozing at 6am in the middle of the town and playing loud music on gettoblaster.
added on the 2007-04-19 21:09:53 by nosfe nosfe
Three and a half weeks left!
added on the 2007-04-24 10:42:34 by Bombe Bombe
indeed, time to get your fingers out of wherever they are and order tickets on whatever you need to get there :)
added on the 2007-04-24 17:17:06 by leijaa leijaa
So, are there any non-finns going? (not counting Leia and Truck)
Thinking about attending. But there might be a problem making the busride. Was thinking on flying to Tampere to get a head-start, anyone know if the bus can stop by the Tampere Airport? Or is that TOTALLY out of its way?
added on the 2007-04-27 14:45:37 by tFt tFt
It's not TOTALLY out of its way, but it is a small detour. There's shuttles going from Tampere airport to the center of Tampere (I think they go to the railway station where the partybus also stops).
added on the 2007-04-27 14:53:12 by teel teel
I will arrive at Tampere at 9:40 in the morning and will have lots of time to kill. Maybe I’ll even bring some more Germans with me… does anybody living in Tampere have the day off and wants to entertain us or do we have to steal old ladies’ handbags in the inner city?
added on the 2007-04-27 15:28:56 by Bombe Bombe
beware, old ladies in finland carry bottles of wodka in their handbags, they may shatter on your head with a blunt sickening thud as they try to get away from your vicious assault by smacking you with their handbags on your heads. you have been warned!
added on the 2007-04-27 15:48:15 by psenough psenough
Okay, so we hit them first and steal their wodka! Even better plan! Thank you, ps!
added on the 2007-04-27 15:49:43 by Bombe Bombe
ps: and the question is: how the fuck you know that? :)
added on the 2007-04-27 19:45:37 by waffle waffle
tft, as said you can get with the shuttle bus to the railway station where the bus stops, so it should be easy for you. and you can hang out in tampere with the germans!

waflle, anyone who has ever been trying to steal ladies handbags in finland knows that!
added on the 2007-04-27 23:52:28 by nosfe nosfe
Actually, I guess going to KUOPIO airport is the optimal thing to do. Thats like right up the partyplace alley, right?
Unfortunally my Eurobonus ticket doesnt go to either Kuopio or Tampere (Fhakkin SAS ripoff).
But I think I can make the Helsinki busride after all, just have to leave from Stavanger Airport at 06 in the morning :)
added on the 2007-04-28 03:27:20 by tFt tFt
tft best thing to do is to get to helsinki (or tampere) on friday morning (being at helsinki by 11:30am is good since getting luggage and getting from the airport to downtown will take an hour or so)... One option is ofcourse to arrive a day early on thursday and exploit the hospitalily of random sceners in helsinki or tampere. I'm sure nosfe has a couch that the cat hasn't peed on yet :-)
added on the 2007-04-28 10:52:53 by uncle-x uncle-x
bump bump bump, people should remember to order the tickets for the bus ;)
added on the 2007-05-01 22:24:39 by leijaa leijaa
bumpety bump bump!

Come enjoy simulaatio. It'll be fun. maxi-fun! There's still seats left on the bus!
added on the 2007-05-02 21:42:51 by uncle-x uncle-x
Flights from BRE (Bremen) to TMP (Tampere) on friday/monday are currently available for only 0.01 € each! Make your reservation now!
added on the 2007-05-02 22:09:59 by Bombe Bombe
0.01 :O .. it's so ridiculously low a price that there should be a german invasion at Simulaatio :)
added on the 2007-05-03 09:08:58 by el-bee el-bee
I second el-bee. Bring it on, saatanan lapinpolttajat! :)
added on the 2007-05-03 09:13:45 by break break
i'd watch your words. too many german sceners are smokers, and varkaus is way up north. history might yet repeat itself!
added on the 2007-05-03 10:16:26 by skrebbel skrebbel
skrebbel, deine Haut hat Angst vor Osmose!
added on the 2007-05-03 11:41:01 by Bombe Bombe
skrebbel, most of the finnish sceners are from south anyway so it doesn't matter so much if the north burns again. :)
added on the 2007-05-03 14:04:55 by nosfe nosfe
Just for a minute let's all do the bump!
added on the 2007-05-08 09:20:39 by break break
