
fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
There is a typo with the title of http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=16948 - its actually DZHUN
added on the 2005-05-03 22:37:17 by rio702 rio702
^ Sorry I forgot BB Code again! We really need url recognition!
added on the 2005-05-03 22:38:23 by rio702 rio702
On "Ozone" group (the mainly spanish one with mat!, drareg and skid amongst others) http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=23 , the following productions should be split to a "newer" group:



Also, there are 3 macos productions attributed to "ozone" but I can't really remember any macos coders on the group:



added on the 2005-05-03 23:24:05 by winden winden
stryx, winden: fixed.
added on the 2005-05-04 00:57:20 by reed reed
another batch of zone's download links fixed, 5155-7618.
couldn't (yet) find download links for the following:
5155 5397 5402 5406 5407 5992 6025 6026 6027 7568 7570 7572 7576 7577 7581 7583 7591 7592 7593 7598
added on the 2005-05-04 01:58:42 by reed reed
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=16960's links are problematic (zip files require passwords etc) please replace with:

Disk 1: http://uk.geocities.com/jam332/misc/walker_a.zip

Disk 2: http://uk.geocities.com/jam332/misc/walker_b.zip
added on the 2005-05-04 13:04:38 by rio702 rio702
sorry, ps, i screwed smth up. http://www.pouet.net/results.php?which=1130&when=99 is of course the wrong file, please replace them with ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/parties/1999/breed99/results.txt!
added on the 2005-05-04 13:31:07 by dipswitch dipswitch
hitch, stryx: fixed.
added on the 2005-05-04 15:05:36 by reed reed
I've noticed that a lot of prod links contain the prefix: http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/~aminet/

This is actually broken, the correct one is now: http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/aminet/
added on the 2005-05-05 12:35:25 by rio702 rio702
sadly i deleted the urlreplace.php with fear of unauthorized abuse. grah.
added on the 2005-05-05 14:42:49 by psenough psenough
mysql> select id,name from prods where download like "http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/~aminet/%";
| id | name |
| 3450 | crossing the deadline |
| 3456 | electricity |
| 3463 | mayhem (appendix) |
| 3516 | symbolia |
| 3969 | cruel karma forms |
| 4033 | wild copper demo |
| 4490 | Ulsteri |
| 4491 | MonoMeno #70 |
| 4494 | MonoMeno #68 |
| 4495 | MonoMeno #67 |
| 4497 | Elastik Pukki #65 |
| 4498 | Elastik Pitch #64 |
| 4499 | Elastik Pitch #63 |
| 4500 | Elastik Pitch #61 |
| 4501 | Elastik Pitch #69 |
| 4502 | Check the PENIS! |
| 4503 | Floating Joint #56 |
| 4504 | Floating Joint #57 |
| 4505 | Floating Joint #58 |
| 4506 | Floating Joint #59 |
| 4508 | Bonus Stage #55 |
| 4509 | Bonus Stage #54 |
| 4510 | Bonus Stage #53 |
| 4511 | Bonus Stage #52 |
| 4512 | Bonus Stage #51 |
| 4513 | HikiCarpalo #50 |
| 4514 | HikiCarpalo #49 |
| 4515 | HikiCarpalo #48 |
| 4516 | HikiCarpalo #45 |
| 4517 | Splidium |
| 4519 | Pimu Lukun'n Up |
| 4523 | TransuBambi #44 |
| 4524 | TransuBambi #43 |
| 4525 | TransuBambi #42 |
| 4526 | TransuBambi #41 |
| 4527 | TransuBambi #40 |
| 4528 | TransuBambi #39 |
| 4529 | TransuBambi #38 |
| 4530 | TransuBambi #37 |
| 4531 | TransuBambi #36 |
| 4533 | Urea Leak #35 |
| 4534 | Urea Leak #34 |
| 4535 | Urea Leak #33 |
| 4536 | Urea Leak #32 |
| 4537 | Urea Leak #31 |
| 4538 | JoRMaSTurbo #30 |
| 4539 | JoRMaSTurbo #29 |
| 4541 | JoRMaSTurbo #28 |
| 4542 | JoRMaSTurbo #27 |
| 4544 | JoRMaSTurbo #26 |
| 4545 | JoRMaSTurbo #25 |
| 4546 | JoRMaSTurbo #24 |
| 4548 | JoRMaSTurbo #23 |
| 4549 | JoRMaSTurbo #22 |
| 4550 | JoRMaSTurbo #21 |
| 4551 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #20 |
| 4552 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #19 |
| 4553 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #18 |
| 4561 | Lops Kakki Reprocess 4 |
| 4562 | Ront Kolli |
| 4639 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #17 |
| 4640 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #16 |
| 4641 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #15 |
| 4642 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #14 |
| 4643 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #13 |
| 4644 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #12 |
| 4645 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #11 |
| 4646 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #10 |
| 4647 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #09 |
| 4648 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #08 |
| 4649 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #07 |
| 4650 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #06 |
| 4651 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #05 |
| 4652 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #04 |
| 4653 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #03 |
| 4654 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #02 |
| 4655 | HC Andersen's Underground Raveclub Records #01 |
| 7193 | I Wonder If |
| 7338 | greatest packtunes |
| 7343 | silvester |
| 7344 | german charts #1 |
| 7345 | dual chess |
| 7346 | for your pleasure |
| 7347 | extacy meetro |
| 7348 | sunny sunday afternoon |
| 7349 | free your mind [nce] |
| 7548 | Raggy |
| 7671 | subtle shades |
| 7673 | privilege violation |
| 7674 | wild announce intro |
| 7675 | project n |
| 7676 | x-files intro |
| 7681 | can't stop |
| 7683 | waterproof |
| 7684 | vendetta |
| 8081 | Zyclonium |
| 8103 | Notech |
| 8353 | Innocence |
| 8449 | turtletro |
| 8594 | Blurred Notes |
| 8930 | Ear Bros Promo |
| 8931 | Porky's Disco Promo |
| 8959 | TRSI Are Dead |
| 9000 | ST15-Promo |
| 9001 | Shane-Tro |
| 9210 | Trick or Treat 2 |
| 9681 | Devotion 2 mag intro |
| 10222 | Moments |
| 10232 | Daedalus |
| 10234 | Emptyhead |
| 10235 | Damage |
| 10252 | Anarchy (announcetro) |
| 10296 | Sweet Revenge |
| 10297 | Mosaic |
| 10299 | Puggs in Space |
| 10447 | Jesus on Cheese |
| 10736 | The Last Inline |
| 10737 | No More Lies |
| 10738 | Career |
| 10739 | NanoDum |
| 10770 | Newtek Demoreel3 |
| 11107 | Highway 1930 |
| 11108 | Magical Box |
| 11109 | Grass60 |
| 11110 | Neuköln |
| 11111 | Hopshop #1 |
| 11112 | Hopshop #2 |
| 11113 | Xmas intro (GHD) |
| 11117 | Parakrishna |
| 11128 | Get Frogged |
| 11434 | Turbo Tronic |
| 11435 | Square Porridge |
| 11436 | Get Tough! |
| 11437 | Assfart |
| 11438 | The Lost Puppy |
| 11439 | Dølle Døck |
| 11440 | Retro 01 |
| 11441 | R |
| 11442 | Bubble 2 |
| 11443 | Bubble |
| 11450 | Odorless |
| 11454 | Groovery |
| 11455 | Needle Freak |
| 11476 | Miss |
| 11493 | Weird. |
| 11494 | Kinderegg |
| 11840 | X-Files#22 |
| 11841 | X-Files#21 |
| 11842 | Trilobyte #11 |
| 11843 | Trilobyte #10 |
| 11844 | Trilobyte #09 |
| 11845 | X-Files#20 |
| 11846 | Trilobyte #08 |
| 11847 | X-Files#19 |
| 11848 | Trilobyte #07 |
| 11849 | Trilobyte #06 |
| 11850 | Trilobyte #05 |
| 11851 | Trilobyte #04 |
| 11852 | HurtMe#9 |
| 11853 | Trilobyte #02 |
| 11854 | HurtMe#8 |
| 11855 | Trilobyte #01 |
| 11856 | HurtMe#7 |
| 11857 | HurtMe#6 |
| 11858 | HurtMe#4 |
| 11859 | HurtMe#3 |
| 11860 | HurtMe#2 |
| 11861 | HurtMe#1 |
| 11862 | Meetro |
| 11863 | Tradetro |
| 11864 | BBS - Intro |
| 12146 | x-files_18 |
| 12274 | Syntex |
| 13304 | bodil freedom ride |
174 rows in set (0.04 sec)

fuck! i guess i should recode it.. blargh. i hate redoing the wheel. -_-
added on the 2005-05-05 14:45:24 by psenough psenough
video is not directed to "mind the carrot". instead it is directed to "mind to carrot 2".
so it is.
has been removed.
added on the 2005-05-06 23:41:23 by psenough psenough
should be jaakko 19v
added on the 2005-05-07 00:41:08 by sauli sauli
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=13662 download link is... well, broken is a bad word. let's say, naughty.

added on the 2005-05-09 16:50:42 by jeenio jeenio
