
Hello game developers! Some GPX2 news concerning profit share and devkits.

category: general [glöplog]
As annouced a few weeks ago, there will be an successor of the GP32 handheld, named GPX2.

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I've been in contact with GamePark Holdings Inc. for a few month now and got some important information at the Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany.

I'm going to become a Third-Party producer of periphery devices because I believe in the GPX2 as a nice open source handheld alternative. Still we should keep in mind that it can't the PSP or Nintendo DS sales at all.

Due this topic I also want to motivate people who work at a game company to think about a release of games. The profit share is (7 to 3; 7 for the developers) and GamePark Holdings Inc. would give our development kits for free!

Someone interested or need more information? mscharl [at] vanbasilco [dot] com is my business email address.
added on the 2005-08-25 13:33:48 by freeze freeze
