
Hi! Does anyone have any recommendations for opensource Linux Demos, for an audiovisually optimized Linux-based system? :)

category: general [glöplog]
To be honest with you mot, I was converting people to Linux up until Windows 7's release last year. A few co-workers last year were annoyed with computer problems (as with every year actually), and since I wanted to help them but not have them consistently rely on me for help, I installed Ubuntu and set it up to have all multimedia work. They were content that they were able to do their things (view video, work on text and spreadsheets, browse the web) for free, securely and with consistent speed. Very few of my co-workers game and even less do things like video editing so Linux does everything required for everyday joes like them.

However, they would not have been able to install Ubuntu themselves nor would they be able to set it up for multimedia without my help. With that in mind, the system is not yet ready for the mainstream. If desktops or laptops were sold in stores set up in the same way that I set them up for users, then yes, Linux could become more than a bip on the radar because for most people, it would be 'good enough.' However, BECAUSE not everyone has such small demands, Linux doesn't cater to all crowds.

Nevertheless, the point you made about programmers creating demos on the platform of their choice and not necessarily the popular platform is one well-taken. I sort of knew it but it didn't dawn on me until you spelled it out for me. For that, I thank you and I will shut up now. :)
Wasn't it just a few years ago, windows launched a cure against headaches caused by it's own systems, by installing an 'updated' version of their system?

I used also windows, and actually liked windows 95 to some degree, however it seemed to get very bloated from there. And yes, plenty of problems with it. Actually I have less problems with Linux. Atlest with Linux, I can make it do, what I want. I also used Amiga though, but today, that is mostly an interface to me, as you might have read in the article I pointed to. It's really just a bunch of chips, who are working well with eachother.

Which inspired partly my deciscion to try group scheduling in the Linux-kernel though, but performance isn't quite there yet, I'd say. I think I'll do some simple renicing instead. And I am very happy with my Linux system.

Maybe I even get around to making a .deb also.
Wasn't it just a few years ago, windows launched a cure against headaches caused by it's own systems, by installing an 'updated' version of their system?

it's quite possible as even OSX once caused erection problems to midgets
Paradox: are you -actually- as homophobic as you sound? If so, you could switch to hating MS for being gay-friendly, we've got plenty of LGBT folk here, you could check out GLEAM.

Also, you seem to be unforgivingly monotheistic?

Anyway, best of luck with your new wild platform. Systems programming is fun stuff.
added on the 2010-04-12 20:30:25 by GbND GbND
GbND: Do not tickle the troll. He's just a returning, previously banned, completely insane person.
added on the 2010-04-12 20:53:58 by gloom gloom
I did some further tuning of the tweak mentioned in the article.

Sudo this script after booting into X, and the effect should be a bit less variability in the jitter.

for user in `cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1`; do
renice -n 14 -u $user;

If you are using your computer as a typical single user/home user machine that is.
I might be nicing some stuff that maybe shouldn't be here though. Maybe I'll look more into specific process renicing.

The effect is ofcourse that the applications you run, get normal nice levels, while all other services running after getting into X, gets 14 niceness. (Less cputime).
Looks much better eh? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-jiIuIsk_w&feature=channel
Running my limiter on top of it all too, through renoise and jack. Nice to boost the dynamics a bit in doom3 too.
Anyway, with all these faggots babbling around all the time. That's just not healthy. It's only so much I can stand being on forums, so Peace Be With You, for now.

If anyone wants to discuss anything related to the topics I discussed in this thread though, please contact me through http://www.paradoxuncreated.com
As-slamu alaykum.
added on the 2010-04-12 22:14:18 by gloom gloom
