
Funny, stupid shit that you've done or has happened to you.

category: offtopic [glöplog]
I played R-Type on the Mastersystem and was so frustrated that i hit it on the top. Because it was too hard for me.
Then, the hit turned off collision detection and i could "browse" through the game. But also the bosses.
The funny thing was the graphical garbage that was "behind" the bosses.
added on the 2011-06-05 22:46:06 by Exin Exin
I once stomped the disk tray off one of my PS2s because I was angry it wouldn't close. Obviously enough it was me who drunkenly did not put the disc in properly :) Bye bye PS2. Luckily I had an old first-generation one in storage as replacement. Yes I play older games.
added on the 2011-06-09 01:36:07 by superplek superplek
tony hawk and tekken is all you need.
added on the 2011-06-09 02:24:17 by quisten quisten
Nah, Crono Trigger and Star Ocean <3
added on the 2011-06-09 13:41:11 by ferris ferris
Not funny but incredibly stupid... I added a feature to OpenMPT in late 2009, and apparently I just broke it again a few code revisions later... And I didn't notice until today! Since then, two major releases have been made, and the feature was advertised, but it wasn't even saved to files...
I got married.
added on the 2011-06-14 22:31:25 by chromag chromag
Just remembered something utterly stupid. For maybe a year, I was unable to open stuff off my amiga floppy drive from amigaDOS. The drive was totally inaccessible, "drive not found", yet it worked perfectly from workbench and I could boot from it no problem.

Why? We all called it "dee eff oh". I was typing in dfo: instead of df0:. d0h!
added on the 2011-06-19 01:28:51 by psonice psonice
^ Oh snap!!!
How many times - "/media/<Tab>" WTF??? But I have to say - not for a whole year! :P
added on the 2011-06-19 05:40:31 by ringofyre ringofyre
In high school I missed my bus home from my after-school job during a night when my parents were at a party until 1am. I had no way to get home so I thought I'd be a little passive-aggressive and stay right where I was. I worked in a mall, so I stayed in the mall after it had closed. It was Christmastime and there was a Santa's chair in the middle of the mall, so I sat in it and did homework, then went behind the chair into a little changing room (it was a very large Christmas display) and fell asleep. Around 5am I woke up and went to the bathroom to take a piss and one of the cleaning staff saw me and turned white with surprise and took me to the security office. It turns out that my dad and the security guard had been walking around the mall for hours calling my name. I sleep very soundly and never heard them.

Because of the stunt I pulled, it was written up in a retail management trade magazine and it led to mall security reform in the USA. (Security at that time had been concentrating on the back-doors to all mall stores, since the rear tunnels connect every store and it would be easy and quite hidden to break into stores that way. Nobody had thought that there could be some idiot roaming around the public-facing side of the mall.)
added on the 2011-06-28 04:40:36 by trixter trixter
haha nice story :D
Just managed an utterly stupid one. I was testing some code, a button wasn't working in my app. In the debugger, something weird was happening.. I set a breakpoint, the app paused at that point, and I stepped through.. and every time the debugger skipped over the code I was trying to test! WTF!

Well, I just spent 30 minutes wondering wtf could possibly cause that. The answer was of course utterly stupid - I'd run the app, THEN written those lines of code. So of course it was skipping them, they didn't exist in the version I was actually debugging. Which was obviously why the button didn't work too!
added on the 2011-07-11 02:28:36 by psonice psonice
Funny and/or stupid shit never happens to me, because I perfectly plan & execute every action I perform in life with military precision.
added on the 2011-07-11 03:35:09 by button button
I perfectly plan & execute every action I perform in life with military precision.

Ohh, woops!
added on the 2011-07-11 03:43:58 by ringofyre ringofyre
actually, thats bullshit. im always fucking stuff up.
added on the 2011-07-11 07:34:15 by button button
ah, just found another thing that happened to me:

when i was working for another software company, i was travelling a lot. i just quit my job there a couple of months ago. my last business trip was to boston, couple of days after new years eve. i was standing in the row right before the security check (munich airport) and pulled a bunch of explosives, fireworks and other shit out of my coat while checking my pockets.... looks like i forgot them in my coat the other night. so i dumped them, frightened as hell, in the next trash bin in front of the security officers. but guess what, they let me pass without further notice.... lucky me
added on the 2011-07-25 23:36:31 by prost prost
haha :D i can imagine that pretty well. in the usa they'd shot you right ahead in the head!
> Trixter

reminds me of when I worked in the Bull building on the Great West Road (in London), anyway, I worked shifts, during a night shift I used to go up to the "forbidden" top floor. Forbidden because too many people had jumped from there in the past and nobody wanted to work up there, it was used for storage and used to provide an exellent view down to the coast on a clear night.

Anyway, I was sitting there in the dark one morning and the security guard comes wandering in on his rounds, now he was quite an old bloke and when I shouted "Hi Alan" he visibly started shaking and had to steady himself - oh well, I thought it was funny...
added on the 2011-07-29 22:50:16 by FunGas FunGas
Yesterday, I "friended" an old girlfriend on facebook (there's a lesson here), anyway, she sends me a pic of her daughter and tells me it's her 21st birthday in December, oh, and I'm her dad and that she wants to know me...
added on the 2011-08-12 02:17:26 by FunGas FunGas
Funny or stupid shit? With me? Oh man...
added on the 2011-08-12 16:52:58 by tomcat tomcat
pro, lucky you weren't in .hu :)
added on the 2011-08-12 16:54:03 by tomcat tomcat
Ok. for the last 2+ years my niece has lived with us. Her father is a drunky & her mother is a junky.
Grandma fought for her legal guardianship for her before she came to us & then gave it up.
On Saturday (27/08/11) we dropped her off for a visit with mother, monster-in-law and step-father-in-law. She asked her mum if she could live with her. The grass is obviously greener as she'll have very few boundaries were she's gone. My stupid shit I've done?
I've spent 2 years raising someone elses kid whilst they've had the opportunity to indulge their selfish addiction.
Sucks to be me, my missus & daughter...
added on the 2011-08-29 11:20:23 by ringofyre ringofyre
