
Is the SOPA of any interest for you guys?

category: offtopic [glöplog]

WHATWG on Google+

"Welcome to the new web, a web without RSS or ATOM feeds. A web you
cannot easily read without JavaScript because somewhere in the page
header there is a '<style> body { visibility: hidden; } </style>' later
getting unset by a script that the platform owners want you to run.

A web where re-sharing of content is limited by the platform, not by the
capabilities of your client. A web where you cannot comment on an
article unless registering in a corporate namespace (which kicked you
out if you happened to choose a name they do not particularly like).

A web that lies – about content not existing, giving error 404 when you
have no authorization instead of informing you correctly (just try

A web where 'this content is not available in your country'. "
