

category: residue [glöplog]
I can't go outside the netcafe right now. I wanted to make a pause because I want to have some gyros and beer but it's raining like hell outside ;P
added on the 2006-10-08 13:17:13 by Optimus Optimus
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
added on the 2006-10-08 13:17:29 by Optimus Optimus
I feel terrible. :(

Just so you know.
added on the 2006-10-10 10:14:38 by StingRay StingRay
Me too (sick, lot of work to do, quited my gf, ++)- still dont start smoking again ;)

Just so you know.
added on the 2006-10-10 14:05:24 by 4kum4 4kum4
Yesterday i found an Milan T40 with 16MB Ram, SCSI and IDE drives in a big tower, but Keyboard and mouse are missing. :(

Just so you know.
added on the 2006-10-10 19:04:55 by Exin Exin
Oh noes, it was a Medusa T40. JSYK
added on the 2006-10-10 19:05:45 by Exin Exin
4kum4: Same for me, quit gf too, lots of work and also didn't start smoking again. :)

"No way back
Come and love me
No way back
Come and fuck me
No way back
Come and love me
No way back
Come and kill me"

Just so you know.
added on the 2006-10-10 23:40:15 by StingRay StingRay
Nice anim BB Image, nice logos.

Just so you know
added on the 2006-10-12 00:32:11 by bdk bdk
while (!g_quit)
g_clearz(WIDTH * HEIGHT);

// pLayer[0].ClearBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 0);
// pLayer[0].ClearBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 0x7f7f7f);
// pLayer[0].ClearBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 0xffffff);

if (ftime<3.775)
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 24);
if (ftime<=1) pLayer[0].Invert(MAINBUFFER, MAINBUFFER, 255-(ftime*255));
if (ftime>=3.775 && ftime<7.55)
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 25);
if (ftime<=4.775) pLayer[0].Invert(MAINBUFFER, MAINBUFFER, 255-((ftime-3.775)*255));

if (ftime>=7.55 && ftime<15.2)
if (
((ftime>=7.882) && (ftime<(7.882+0.3))) ||
((ftime>=8.411) && (ftime<(8.411+0.2))) ||
((ftime>=8.655) && (ftime<(8.655+0.2))) ||
((ftime>=8.865) && (ftime<(8.865+0.1))) ||
((ftime>=9.024) && (ftime<(9.024+0.3))) ||
((ftime>=11.738) && (ftime<(11.738+0.3))) ||
((ftime>=12.262) && (ftime<(12.262+0.2))) ||
((ftime>=12.515) && (ftime<(12.515+0.2))) ||
((ftime>=12.736) && (ftime<(12.736+0.1))) ||
((ftime>=12.892) && (ftime<(12.892+0.3)))
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 1);
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 27);

if (ftime>=15.2 && ftime<38.2)
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 2 + (int)(fmod(ftime, 9)));
if (ftime>=38.2 && ftime<53.768)
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 2 + (int)(fmod(ftime*4, 9)));

if (ftime>=53.768 && ftime<84)
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 11 + (int)(fmod((ftime-7.55)*7, 3)));

// scene[0].rotation = Vector3(ftime, ftime, 0);
// scene[0].translation = Vector3(0, 0, -120);

// scene[0].rotation = Vector3(0, ftime, 0);
// scene[0].rotation = Vector3(ftime, 0, 0);
scene[0].rotation = Vector3(ftime, M_PI, sin(ftime*0.1)*10);
// scene[0].translation = Vector3(0, 0, -20);
scene[0].translation = Vector3(0, 0, -200+sin(ftime*4)*70);
scene[0].DrawScene(pLayer, MAINBUFFER);
// pLayer[0].Bounce(MAINBUFFER, MAINBUFFER);
pLayer[0].FilterContrast(MAINBUFFER,MAINBUFFER, 0.5*sin(ftime)*0.5);
// pLayer[0].Invert(MAINBUFFER, MAINBUFFER, 127+sin(ftime*3)*127);

pLayer[0].MotionBlur(MAINBUFFER, 34, 2+0.5+sin(ftime+cos(ftime)*M_2PI)*0.5);
if (ftime>=84 && ftime<107.35)
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 14);
static int in=0;
static int fl=1;
float speed = 0.0001;
if ((fl==1) && (fmod(ftime, speed)<(speed-0.00008)))
if (tabell[in]==0) xpos++;
if (tabell[in]==1) xpos--;
if (tabell[in]==2) ypos++;
if (tabell[in]==3) ypos--;
if ((fl==0) && (fmod(ftime, speed)>=(speed-0.00008)))
in++; fl=1;

if (in>=511) in-=511;

if (xpos<=0) xpos=0;
if (ypos<=0) ypos=0;
if (xpos>=63) xpos=63;
if (ypos>=48) ypos=48;

int xp = xpos * 8;
int yp = ypos * 8;

int r=rand()%(int)(128+sin(ftime*1.5)*127);
int g=rand()%(int)(128+cos(ftime*1.7)*127);
int b=rand()%(int)(128+sin(-ftime*1.2)*127);
// pLayer[0].DrawBoxFilled(0, xp, yp, 8, 8, rand()%0xffffff);
pLayer[0].DrawBoxFilled(0, xp, yp, 8, 8, RGB32(r,g,b));
// pLayer[0].Blur(0,0);
// pLayer[0].CrossFade(0, BLACKBUFFER, 1);
// pLayer[0].RadialBlurSubpixel(0, 256, 192, -0.01);

// pLayer[0].Noise2(0, 0x222222);
// pLayer[0].Invert(0,0,32);
// pLayer[0].FilterEdgeDetection(0, 0);

pLayer[0].SetMaskMode(0, MASK_NONZERO);
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 0);

pLayer[0].FilterContrast(MAINBUFFER,MAINBUFFER, 0.5*sin(ftime)*0.5);

pLayer[0].Noise2(37, 0x444444);
pLayer[0].BlendAdd(MAINBUFFER, 37);

if (ftime>=107.35 && ftime<122.84)
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 1);

scene[0].rotation = Vector3(ftime, ftime, ftime);

scene[0].rotation = Vector3(ftime, M_PI, sin(ftime*0.1)*10);
scene[0].translation = Vector3(0, 0, -200+sin(ftime*8)*70);
scene[0].DrawScene(pLayer, MAINBUFFER);
pLayer[0].FilterContrast(MAINBUFFER,MAINBUFFER, 1*sin(ftime*4)*1);
pLayer[0].Invert(MAINBUFFER, MAINBUFFER, 127+sin(ftime*23)*127);

// pLayer[0].MotionBlur(MAINBUFFER, 34, 2+0.5+sin(ftime+cos(ftime)*M_2PI)*0.5);

//122.824, 153.585, 168.912

if (ftime>=122.84 && ftime<153.5)

if (ftime<=140)
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 28 + (int)(fmod((ftime-7.55)*2, 3)));

pLayer[0].CopyBufferArea(MAINBUFFER, 33, 256+ cos(1.6*ftime+M_2PI*cos(ftime))*255, 192+sin(cos(ftime*0.4)*M_2PI+1.4*ftime)*191);

pLayer[0].FilterContrast(MAINBUFFER,MAINBUFFER, 1*sin(ftime*4)*1);
pLayer[0].Invert(MAINBUFFER, MAINBUFFER, 127+sin(ftime*23)*127);

if (ftime>=130 && ftime<135)
pLayer[0].SetMaskMode(36, MASK_ALPHACHANNEL);
pLayer[0].BlendMask(MAINBUFFER, 36);

if (ftime>=153.5 && ftime<168.8)
pLayer[0].CopyBufferArea(MAINBUFFER, 26, 0, 494+sin(-M_PI2 + (ftime-153.5)*1.5)*494);

if (ftime>=157.5 && ftime<158.5)
pLayer[0].Invert(MAINBUFFER, MAINBUFFER, 255-((ftime-157.5)*255));

if (ftime>=168.8 && ftime<172.8)
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 15 + (int)(fmod((ftime-168.8)*0.7, 3)));

if (ftime>=172.8 && ftime<176.8)
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 18 + (int)(fmod((ftime-172.8)*0.7, 3)));

if (ftime>=176.7 && ftime<180.7)
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 21 + (int)(fmod((ftime-176.7)*0.7, 3)));

if (ftime>=168.8 && ftime<=169.8)
pLayer[0].CrossFade(MAINBUFFER, WHITEBUFFER, 255-(ftime-168.89)*255);
if (ftime>=172.8 && ftime<=173.8)
pLayer[0].CrossFade(MAINBUFFER, WHITEBUFFER, 255-(ftime-172.8)*255);
if (ftime>=176.7 && ftime<=177.7)
pLayer[0].CrossFade(MAINBUFFER, WHITEBUFFER, 255-(ftime-176.7)*255);

if (ftime>=180.7 && ftime<187)
// pLayer[0].ClearBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 0);
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 35);

if (ftime>=187.303 && ftime<195.6)
pLayer[0].CrossFade(MAINBUFFER, 31, (ftime-187.303)*24);

if (ftime>=195.6)
pLayer[0].CopyBuffer(MAINBUFFER, 32);

if (ftime>=195.6 && ftime<196.6)
pLayer[0].CrossFade(MAINBUFFER, WHITEBUFFER, 255-(ftime-195.6)*255);

if (ftime>=200.935) exit(0);

//copy to screen
// wndDraw.Bind(pLayer);
// wndDraw.Update();
// wndDraw.Update(pixel, 512, 384);
wndDraw.Update(pLayer[0].mainbuffer.pixel, 512, 384);

go figure..
just so you know.

Just so you know.
this is the funniest shit ever.

Just so you know.
added on the 2006-10-19 19:01:33 by wb wb
Ok, this is the last time I post in this thread.

Just so you know.
added on the 2006-10-19 19:02:02 by faraday faraday
Of course not!

Just so you know.
rob is jarig
just so you know
added on the 2006-10-19 20:02:07 by SilkCut SilkCut
/me - russian 14 yearold boy.
just so you know.
added on the 2006-10-19 20:42:46 by i0ngunn3r i0ngunn3r
ohh, and my <s> key ometimes lack
jut so you know.
added on the 2006-10-19 20:44:00 by i0ngunn3r i0ngunn3r
i had the wtfest moment in my life today.

just so you know.

just so you know.
added on the 2006-10-20 21:35:32 by bartman bartman
Buy a Wii

Just so you know.
Killzone Liberation is one helluva addictive game on the PSP.

Just so you know.
added on the 2006-10-22 13:52:34 by StingRay StingRay
i hate ragnarok online and yaoi.
and my S key still lack..

just o u know.
added on the 2006-10-22 18:22:31 by i0ngunn3r i0ngunn3r
penis, penis.
er steht, wenn's schen is.

just so you know :D
added on the 2006-10-22 18:34:21 by doc^21o6 doc^21o6
Fucking cunt faced shit arse fat fucking bastard

added on the 2006-10-22 22:17:33 by chameleon chameleon
This thread still alive?!

Just so i know...
added on the 2006-10-22 22:49:06 by LiraNuna LiraNuna
