
Wanted: stats on previous North American parties

category: general [glöplog]
I'm looking for the following stats on previous North American parties:

Start Date:
End Date:
Ticket Prices:

For example:

Name: Pilgrimage
Start Date: 9-August-2003
End Date: 9-August-2003
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Venue: XMission
Attendance: 45
Ticket Prices: $20, $30 for computer place

"Location" is the city where the party took place, while "Venue" is the location of the party itself, i.e. Fubar University, etc. Attendance is the number of people who went to the party.

I'm specifically looking for stats on the following NA parties:

NAID 1995
NAID 1996
Spring Break 1998
Spring Break 1999
Coma 1999
Coma 2000
Coma 2001

As far as I know, the only NA demo parties to ever take place were NAID, Spring Break and Coma. (I'm not counting informal gatherings as "demo parties". I'm thinking of demo parties that had releases, were announced, organized, etc.)
added on the 2003-01-23 21:53:14 by legalize legalize
Scuse me for the plug, but I don't remember if you ever got your hands on my NAIDorabilia CD or not. In addition to the NAID stuff, it has some pics and info on some other NA parties, down to the smallest ones. Or just shoot me an email.

BTW, I thought Pilgrimage would last more than 1 day. Or is the above just an example? :)
added on the 2003-01-23 22:01:02 by phoenix phoenix
OK Andy, I sent you some mail.

Regarding Pilgrimage, it was always planned as a single day event. There are several reasons for this. First, its easier to arrange a 1 day party in a commercial space as far as insurance, regulations, etc., are concerned. Second, the focus of this party is local participation and the locals are less likely to attend anything on Sunday. Third, I don't want to bite off more than I can chew with the organizing effort, so I purposefully wanted to start small.

Having said that, we do plan on having a separate 1 day gaming event, immediately before or after Pilgrimage, as a fundraising event for our non-profit. This will be located in the same space, on the same LAN, etc., as Pilgrimage, but it will be a separate event targetting gamers. We will probably offer a discount to those who purchase tickets to both events.

For those who come from out of town, I'm looking at how we could provide a little something 'extra' for them, to make the trip worth their while. We'll have to see how many out-of-towners sign up or express interest as the party date gets closer.

I'd rather do one small party very well, than a large party only so-so.
added on the 2003-01-25 18:50:46 by legalize legalize
Looking at how MANY demo parties there ever was in north america, knowing also that I have participated in one of them rare events, I find it saddening that there seems to be no big plans for a comeback.

My assistance of NAID95 was short (maybe 20 hours). While I was on a co-op with NO CARRIER for an little S3M file, I really enjoyed being there and meeting some people. Yet, the north American culture is in general very unproductive in terms of art, as a form of expression. High tech art is a rare thing over here, as the people get blinded by commodities instead of fluffy blurry dazing graphics... An excellent example of how north american culture find demos useless is from ABCDEmo made by "The Product", based in Montreal / Canada.

Most north american seners are basically GAMERS. Here in Quebec, we have some regular GAMERS meeting that are organized by schools and big heads to nourish the need of the students as if it was some sort of a drug. This miserable situation transforms cafeterias into high-tech gang wars with the oh so great Counter Strike, transforming the students into pimple face mouse zombies.

North America has no intention of making their males creative, as it would probably make more gay teens trying to headf*ck society with pointless "we will rulez you" demo team tags and obnoxious and poorly grafted porn animes.

added on the 2003-01-25 19:41:47 by 33 33
It's really no different here than in Europe.. there are the gaming/warez/pr0n masses and there's the much smaller creative underground. The Party, The Gathering, and Assembly are prime examples. We are a bit lazier here tho (and more spread out, making get-togethers more difficult).
added on the 2003-01-25 19:58:18 by phoenix phoenix
why don't you american sceners regroup in a city and declare independence?
added on the 2003-01-25 22:17:07 by _-_-__ _-_-__
