
fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]

hitchhikr, msx2+ and msx turbo-r are about as common as atari falcon here in holland, as a result of a healthy import scene. i know several guys who have one, or both. nyyrikki definitely is not the only one developing for it.

msx2+ demos are admittedly very scarce, same goes for vg0080. but it is just wrong to say they don't exist. if anything is questionable, it's whether these can be considered demoscene prods (msx community doesn't make the separation so strongly, afaik).

Who is doing or did demos for the 2+ and/or the TR except Nyyrikki ?

I remember having read the admin of msx.org telling that the msx scene didn't even understand BandWagon's demos anyway, they seem to be rather alien to the whole demoscene concept preferring to program games or showing the power of some additional hw goodies instead.


as for the sound hardware... yes, all msx'es have the same psg. just like all pc's have a beeper. sound expansions are very, very common on msx, and used in quite a few demos. i don't feel like elaborating on this topic, it's easy to google this... or else just listen to some infinite prods, and then come back to tell us msx2 only uses psg sound ;)

I'd say: let's have a "MSX1" category and a "MSX Miscellaneous" one.
added on the 2008-08-13 18:11:57 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
Who is doing or did demos for the 2+ and/or the TR except Nyyrikki ?

here's an (old) example http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=-7818096523054075411&ei=hgqjSL7LD4jM2wKFtcEV&q=msx+turbo+r&hl=nl

if you want to discuss ongoing efforts, i suggest we do it in a private chat so we can speak more freely.

the msx scene didn't even understand BandWagon's demos anyway

that all depends on one's definition of the msx scene i guess, i can't imagine he was talking about the guys who made demos themselves, or regularly visit demoparties.

I'd say: let's have a "MSX1" category and a "MSX Miscellaneous" one.

that would be an option, but if we forget about releases for a moment and just look at hardware, it would make more sense to combine msx1/2 and separate turbo-r. i guess we all agree that leaving turbo-r separate will is a bit useless. so well. i really don't see a solution for this problem that is practical and logical at the same time...

...except for leaving everything the way it is. which admittedly is not ideal either, but at least less confusing. ;)
added on the 2008-08-13 18:42:51 by havoc havoc
ps: now that you're on the job anyway, please add a category for BBC Micro (icon: BB Image) too :-)
added on the 2008-08-14 00:54:58 by havoc havoc
group : Spaceballs (http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=68)
new website : http://www.spaceballs.no
added on the 2008-08-14 09:13:15 by wullon wullon
Fractoblob can now mirror to scene.org, the file is finally available there.
added on the 2008-08-14 14:38:48 by xTr1m xTr1m
added on the 2008-08-14 18:18:09 by reed reed
hitch: the curse of 64 platforms is gone some months ago, the only doubt left is really if there are enough prods to justify a new platform. cluttering the db with platforms that only have 2 prods without even a date reference doesnt seem very reasonable for searching stuff up later on. basically im just trying to avoid the lets add a platform because it exists thing. which seems complicated.
added on the 2008-08-14 18:54:55 by psenough psenough
Fixed the msx entries, there's a bug with that:


added on the 2008-08-14 20:38:24 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
probably the + or - fucking up, need to replace them with the %thingies
http://pouet.net/prodlist.php?platform%5B%5D=MSX2%2F2%2B%2FTurbo-R works fine
added on the 2008-08-14 20:42:10 by psenough psenough
The links in the prods themselves are bogus.
added on the 2008-08-14 20:47:28 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
so msx gets split after all? sorry to say it, but that's just silly...
added on the 2008-08-14 21:01:00 by havoc havoc
This prod also works on 040 AGA, as I was informed, please update the info. It also has an avi version. Could anybody fix it? Thanks!
added on the 2008-08-14 21:10:20 by Fei Fei
Atsaas as a YouTube video.
added on the 2008-08-14 21:30:13 by Marq Marq
added on the 2008-08-14 21:34:10 by havoc havoc
added on the 2008-08-14 22:36:29 by havoc havoc
Sorry, I have to post again, since my post was either overseen or misunderstood:
Official download link for this is this, scene.org *mirror* link is this, and youtube link is this.

Thanks for your effort! Cheers!
added on the 2008-08-15 08:43:52 by xTr1m xTr1m
please always use bbcode in this thread when refering to broken things.

added on the 2008-08-15 12:13:36 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
i have uploaded a video of diskoexpäriment on youtube and capped.tv
added on the 2008-08-15 15:26:07 by smoke smoke
added on the 2008-08-15 15:46:33 by havoc havoc

please fix (bug of registration with Opera):

right categories:
- demotool
right platform:
- Windows
added on the 2008-08-15 16:25:35 by bitl bitl
