
The Danish Bustrip to Breakpoint 2009 thread

category: general [glöplog]
"a person who is desperately in love with salmiakkikossu and tyrkisk peber"

.. just to make it clear, PEBERSNAPS is in no way the same thing as Sort Svin (salmiakki) ..

Pebersnaps WILL burn your anus off .. clean and simple .. and kyber is the only one with the secret recipe

added on the 2009-02-03 18:15:09 by dwarf dwarf
hey cool, the bus is alive again! - ... but wait... wasn't it from germany to the party? now its the other way around - from the former theparty-locations to germany? *confused* ;-)))
added on the 2009-02-03 18:20:41 by scythoior scythoior
wait .. what?

.. the bus is from Aarhus in Denmark to partyplace and back again .. what have you mistaken it for?
added on the 2009-02-03 18:33:33 by dwarf dwarf
elfan: still need a registration mail from you ;)

You should have one in your inbox by now :).
added on the 2009-02-03 18:38:06 by elfan elfan
anders din abe. han joker!
er du rasmus?
added on the 2009-02-03 20:14:51 by leijaa leijaa
"Vote for us and Rasmus will buy you a beer"
added on the 2009-02-03 21:05:39 by gloom gloom
rasmus .. jeg er da ret overbevist om at jokeren er heath ledger og han er død, så det kan ikke være ham .. du må være stiv!
added on the 2009-02-03 21:17:28 by dwarf dwarf
men jeg har ret. desuden tror jeg at hans joke var tilpas udansk til at være lam.
added on the 2009-02-04 10:28:08 by Puryx Puryx
added on the 2009-02-04 12:13:17 by gloom gloom
added on the 2009-02-04 12:59:46 by kyber kyber
Your pebersnaps is teh weak. It lacks tabasco. Jydepotten knew how to make it.
added on the 2009-02-04 15:32:44 by arcane arcane
ok boys let's sign up for the bus already! it will kick ass!
added on the 2009-02-04 22:53:26 by thec thec
Peberschnaps? There can be only one ... Koskenkorva Salmiakki
That reminds me, I gotta get the Finns to bring me some.
added on the 2009-02-05 13:02:10 by Steel Steel
Koskenkorva Salmiakki: that's not peber - that's liquorice (but it is good though ;) )

However the peberschnaps is a mindblowing experience on itself - you should try it :)
added on the 2009-02-05 13:42:54 by Puryx Puryx
Ass raping experience...
added on the 2009-02-05 16:08:31 by kyber kyber
Koskenkorva is a tongue-raping experience as I found out on Kindergarden last year. And I was already mind-numbingly drunk when that happened, which makes it even more horrible ;).
added on the 2009-02-05 18:51:47 by elfan elfan
Puryx: We had this discussion at TRSAC, but.. ehm.. What did they call the shot at Jydepotten? I forgot .. again.
added on the 2009-02-05 23:35:23 by arcane arcane
elfan,did you try the normal koskenkorva or the 60% version 216 had? :)
added on the 2009-02-06 00:09:10 by nosfe nosfe
added on the 2009-02-06 08:49:12 by kyber kyber
arcane: were we talking about rastaputz?
added on the 2009-02-06 08:57:34 by Puryx Puryx
ÆSELSPARK! - Ratzeputz + Tequila/Snaps/Vodka + Tabasco + Pepper

added on the 2009-02-06 09:04:32 by px px
Puryx: Don't you mean Ratzeputz? It's the best bitter ever.
BB Image
Long live the Ratzeputz.
added on the 2009-02-06 09:24:20 by kusma kusma
