
I need to be fit. Any suggestions?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Optimus, if that isn't yet another sick attention stunt, consider the following:

- cut down on meat diet ( really ), consider it a luxurity
- buy fruit and vegetables from the local farmers AND NOT the freaking supermarket ( how "fresh" is this stuff when it has travelled for days ?)
- when eating vegetables, asure yourself to bind them with fatty acids ( like in native olive oil ), otherwise the vitamines will go right outta your shiny greeky arse ;)
- start your morning with some nice push ups to "wake up"
- WALK the distances for which you don't NEED a car or train
- how about owing a bicycle ?
- cut down on coffee
- get off refined sugar
- NO MORE chewing gum ( almost all of 'em contain Aspartame nowadays )
- NO MORE "diet" "sugar free" soft drinks ( Aspartame )
- NO MORE fast food !
- READ the ingredients of food you buy in the supermarket!!!
- Monosodiumglutamate (MSG) is really bad for your health
- try to cook your own meals as often as you can ( it's also an energy thing, cooking is almost like coding ;) "magic")
- try to get a fluoride free tooth paste
- GET OFF any Aspirin or likewise derivatives of "painkillers" ( i.e. symptom-
veillers, if you have a headache -> drink water, GOTO 'sleep'!)
- if you can afford it, get fish-oil Omega 3 fat acid as food supplement
- have your last meal of the day until 9.00 p.m. except you know it's going to be a looong night
- try to catch approx. 8 hours of sleep, preferably starting before midnight ( well, weekends...you know ;) )
- don't ever get yourself any "flu vaccinations" or bullshit like that!
- go out into the nature as many times as you can
- fresh green tea ( not the "softdrink") has detoxicating effects

winter specialities:
- nut fruits (i.e. walnuts and hazels ), they carry exactly the right stuff you need for the winter

summer specialities:
- all kinds of berries ( straw-/dew-/blackberries ),
they ripen right after each other throughout the summer and contain very much energy and vitamines. Starting with strawberries in late May, ending
with blackberries in September...just when the nut fruits are starting

But again - no imported stuff from around the world !
Buy it from the farmers or find it yourself in the woods or parks
( YES, there is a chance of hazel-trees or a blackberrie bushes, isn't it)
Also when buying from your locals, you ASK 'em if the stuff really is grown on their farm -> there are bullshitters that sell imported veggies and fruits.
This of course doesn't apply to so called exotics or any stuff that wont grow naturally in your area.

that's it for now
added on the 2009-11-05 22:13:29 by d0DgE d0DgE
...owNing a bicycle, rather
added on the 2009-11-05 22:16:05 by d0DgE d0DgE
and always remember:

The best customer the pharma guys can have is a sick person!

You got a cold ?
There are teas made from medical plants and special sorts of weeds (no, not that kind).
Your body can heal itself when asleep.
added on the 2009-11-05 22:26:34 by d0DgE d0DgE
watch your calory intake, and do consider a good cardio workout.
just out of interest, why did you ask at pouet first? :D
added on the 2009-11-05 22:31:15 by dalezy dalezy
- don't ever get yourself any "flu vaccinations" or bullshit like that!

Hmm? Why not?
added on the 2009-11-05 22:32:17 by stijn stijn

Because this shit is loaded with mercury in the production process.
Mercury is a highly toxic heavy metal.
It is not tested -> i.e. the people getting vaccinated are the "Beta testers".
They put TH1-boosters ( Squalene-adjuvancies ) in this shit that lets your 2-way imune system (TH1 and TH2 cells) overreact.
This TH1-boost can cause miscarriages on pregnant women b/c they have a "foreign" organism growing in their body.
The TH1 cells are there to kill foreign organisms.
Also, how do you get yourself microbs ?
Through your soft tissues (nose, mouth, lung).
That's the area where the TH1-cells (the lyphocytes) *expect* the microbs.
Now the flu shot is introduced to your muscle tissue.
That does irritate your imune system at least.

Also a freakin' FLU is not the Plague or Tuberculosis.
added on the 2009-11-05 22:48:20 by d0DgE d0DgE
- sign up for an allotment garden
- join the green party
- wear sandals
- knit your own sweaters
- read up on the illuminati
- grow a beard (even if you dont like linux)
- hug a tree at least twice a day
added on the 2009-11-05 22:57:26 by havoc havoc
When you stop breathing you will loose A LOT of weight, eventually!
added on the 2009-11-05 23:03:36 by Rob Rob
Wasn't Dodge also the guy who agreed that Rihanna's "umbrella" was about satan or something?

I wouldn't take his advise that seriously..
added on the 2009-11-05 23:08:25 by okkie okkie
Also, flu shots give you sweet ass dance moves!
added on the 2009-11-05 23:11:44 by okkie okkie
he's also suggesting flu vaccines are more dangerous than the flu or something. To the scene. Unbelievable. Guess he forgot the scene grew old? I bet the flu killed more sceners last year than the breakpoint tent fire.
added on the 2009-11-05 23:15:10 by psonice psonice
He sounds like one of these guys that dies of treatable cancer because he didn't take the chemo but thought eating raw fruits and veggies would cure him.

Seriously, thinking pharmacies are making you sick on purpose is the most preposterous thing I've ever read.
added on the 2009-11-05 23:45:30 by okkie okkie
True, still there is no good reason to take a vaccine for the mexican flu except when you are in very bad health.
added on the 2009-11-05 23:47:31 by Rob Rob
@d0DgE :

I agree,
my dumb and simplistic view is this :
the more you medicate yourself for minor problems (flu, cold, etc...), the less your immune system tries to defend itself against these things, because it's not needed anymore.

so if you take meds at every single problem, your immune system could actually go on strike...

i personally try to be a bit "dirty" (har har) in my habits, to eat stuff that I dropped accidentally on the floor just to piss off my immune system, and have it go to full power.

Headache ? I do nothing.
Cold ? I do nothing.
Anything else ? I go badass.
Danger ? I see a doctor.

I catch a cold every two years. I'm basically "never" sick. And my lifestyle, apart from the aforementioned philosophy, is not that healthy. (I drink, smoke, eat fastfood, and never exercise). So I'll prolly die soon from my bad habits, but only for those habits I chose to embrace.
added on the 2009-11-06 01:09:32 by cxnull cxnull
cxnull: intresting attitutude you have. how old are you and for how long time you live like that?
added on the 2009-11-06 03:58:10 by elfh elfh
Ok,. I was reading what you said here. This is not a joke thread although it's one of my threads where I instantly have a burst and write something. But it's a bit serious because I have reached the dangerous stage (scary blood results, etc) I have to do something for my weight.

Also sorry for not showing any signs of life. I was very busy with the university assignments here (I had to stay awake till the morning since ten years ago, duh :P) and I couldn't answer. I still have to finish an assignment for tomorrow so I will write a short answer of some things I thought.

So, the feeling I get from some suggestions is,. ok I know this. I need to see the problem in it's deeper root. Because it's like someone asks how he can quit smoking and they tell him, it's easy. Just quit smoking. But how can you just quit the addiction? It's like "how can I solve problem B?" but you can do it by solving problem "B" of course. If I stop eating, things of course will change. The thing is that I can't stop my eating habits.

Maybe the answers that give a clue or help are first of all that is an addiction, that maybe if I try hard for few months my organism will stop needing it's addiction (although I doubt it only takes few months), also the suggestion to chose and avoid specific kinds of foods, because if I can't easilly stop eating, at least I could chose to benefit from what to eat. It's similar to,. if you cannot stop from procrastinating, plan cleverly your time. Also another thing is, if you cannot stop your addiction, try to find another one to substititue (I haven't, and usually food comes along with other addictions).

There is another problem with that. Planning. Lack of dedication. I once found some page (like the one suggested here) to plan my calories and check my daily status. But I had to search for calories and carbohydrates and stuff) and it took a lot of time and I abandoned. The process of tracking it down needs dedication itself and I don't have for such. Also it's maybe hard to think every time I eat, if it's proper but maybe if I just have 2-3 foods on my mind to avoid? But I never start. The thing is I never plan, or when I plan I never follow..

Not eating is the upper thing of the problem. In the root there are things my habits (addiction yes, wade is right on path), my self (I have bad time to plan stuff) and psychology also (frustration about all these facts).

Knowing that I could exercise or eat less is ok. Knowing what to eat is better. But I also need to solve the root of the problem, myself, that keeps me away from finally starting doing these stuff you suggest and actually keeping it for months. How to do that? I am thinking..

I will come back later. I have to work on something..
added on the 2009-11-06 04:10:43 by Optimus Optimus
@gloom & farfar: Isn't that what I wrote? :)
added on the 2009-11-06 05:19:33 by trixter trixter
@Dodge: Why is Aspartame bad? No conclusive evidence I can find (I'm not saying it's fine, I'm saying I can't find the evidence you're referencing)
added on the 2009-11-06 05:20:27 by trixter trixter
Optimus: Do you remember ch1p/pantuflas? You met him last Euskal (the driver of the car in with we left the party). Well, he lost (beetween 2005-2006) about 40Kg of weight.

And what he did to achieve it? -you may ask-

Just eating less and playing tennis or running all days during some months.

It's easy if you try it. Go to your doctor and talk about what to do.
added on the 2009-11-06 05:26:49 by ham ham
Well, in fact you met him at Euskal 2008, not last Euskal, you know. :)
added on the 2009-11-06 05:28:40 by ham ham
Don't count calories. What they say about calories in labels are based on how much heat the ingredients would release if they were burned. With fire. As far as i know, that is not how human digestion works. Of course if you eat about 0 calories you will eat 0 food and you lose weight, but you will be starving.
added on the 2009-11-06 07:52:04 by kurli kurli
Lost 25 kg, always been fit, even at 105 kgs, but too bulky. How i did it.:

Went to the beach with my friend, swam out to pantoon every summer day. Even if it meant going after work or at lunch time.

Read the 120 year diet book. It focuses on life extention by reducing calories, but really drives the ill effects of bad eating habits.

Walked to farmer's market every sunday and loaded up on a week full of fruit to take as snacks. Apples and oranges, pretty homogenous but better than a diet entirely consisting of snickers and red bull.

Kept a food diary. It's easy to forget those extra two pies you ate on the way to the office. 105 kg to 79. My goal was 90. You dont have to adjust your diet, just helps you to see what you are actually eating, i bet you are forgetting a whole bunch of shit that you scoff down every day.

Since then i have been doing kicboxing, running. I find kickboxing really really fun, always want more. So some sort of a fun activity is great way of doing exerciser without torturing yourself.

Once women start smiling at you when they make eye contact, it's great motivation. The gonorrhea is a real downside though.
added on the 2009-11-06 08:53:47 by alumunum alumunum
In my food diary i just wrote down what i ate, breakfast, lunch, dinner, any snacks in between, you dont need to see a calorie to see that it's bad, seeing 3 snickers bars and 5 cans of coke is pretty freaking eye opening when you just write it down. Seriously , make the food diary your first step. Also being a fat ass, i no longer had any hunger stimulus. I ate cause i was bored. I have no idea what hunger feels like any more cause i havent felt it in so many years. Even once i cut down my fud intake, drastically, i still had no idea when i was hungry.
added on the 2009-11-06 09:01:58 by alumunum alumunum
trixter: sure, sorry =) I didn't read every single post.

Optimus: (long post, I may be repeating myself a few times, sorry) =)

I'm sorry, but I don't think you can find an easy solution to the root problem like you may be thinking, since your sugar addiction is fueled by your eating habits, and vice versa.. it's a vicious circle that keeps on going. In other words it's not a case where you can do X, Y and Z, and THEN you'll be ready to tackle your eating habits and your lack of exercise. You're going to have to make a decision to change and stick with it, which will affect your addiction, which will make change easier, which will affect your addiction, and so on and so on... until you're out of it. Mind over matter, right? :)

So it's a case of pulling yourself up by the hairs, through your will power - you *decide* to stop eating crap, and *decide* to start exercising. That won't be easy, but once you've done this for a couple of weeks your sugar addiction will be significantly removed, and the 'exercise addiction' will be kicking in. That's a good thing. You'll swap one addiction for another :)

About exercise: First and foremost, to lose weight you need to control your diet, I would say that losing weight is something like 10-20% exercise, 80-90% diet. Exercise is still important though, because it strengthens your body, increases your burn rate, and gets you hooked on endorphins and adrenaline, which helps take you off the sugar addiction.
I wouldn't recommend running if you're *very* overweight (like others said, the joints / your knees, are vulnerable), but maybe going on a cross trainer at a gym (that's how I started), or a rowing machine, or a bike - either outside, in a gym, or maybe in a spinning class? There's also simply going for walks, or swimming. I would also recommend weight training! It converts fat to muscle, increases your overall strength, and makes your body burn more calories. I know it's boring .. I can only recommend finding some mates to work out with, who are (also) dedicated to it! If you don't know anybody who's up for it like that, find something else to do: listen to music, audio books, TED talks, watch podcasts or tv / movies on your iPod .. something!

About the time frame: I don't think you're looking at months of hardship to shake off that sugar addiction. The great thing about the body is that it's actually incredibly strong, versatile and ready to change - it only takes a couple of weeks to stop sugar addiction, but like with any other addiction you're not going to have an easy time in those weeks. You'll have to pull yourself up by the hairs, using will power. After those two weeks the bloodlust pretty much just disappeared in my case, so it gets a lot easier - you'll have that to look forward to!

Breakfast: I eat oats with a few raisins + milk. Sometimes I chop up an apple / banana and put in there as well, maybe with a few nuts, and if it's season for berries, some of those.
Oats are great, I can recommend starting the day those, despite what people may be saying about carbohydrates - they burn slowly, so you get a long, slow burst of energy that'll take you through the morning. And there are in fact proteins in oats as well, so it's a win-win situation! I eat about 70grams, which should probably be a bit more in your case.

You should eat "something" between each major meal - I usually eat some fruit.

Sweets / Deserts: I find a good substitute for sweets is fruit. Or a fruit salad - you can make something really nice that'll go a long way towards satisfying your sweet tooth with say apples, pears, bananas, pineapple, grapes, and a little bit of chopped chocolate and sour cream or whipped cream. As a desert / treat, obviously =)

Other than that.. it's hard to say, because I don't know what sort of foodstuffs you would usually eat where you are - I would go see a dietist.

And.. good luck with it all. It's not terribly easy to lose a lot of weight, and definitely not easy to make the decision to go ahead and do it! It's also a long-term project - but the great thing is that once you're under way and you've turned your life around, it's actually a lot easier than you might think!
added on the 2009-11-06 09:07:56 by farfar farfar
I once wrote this list to another scener complaining about "meh meh should do something about this *pokes beer belly* meh meh":


a) Eat regularly, keep it in 3-5 hrs between meals. I used to have alarm on cell phone as a reminder.

b) Eat 75% of the stuff you're gonna eat during that day at the breakfast, lunch and the afternoon snack. You'll need most of the energy at daytime when you're active.

c) If you're exercising on that day, eat at latest 1h before the exercise (so you'll have time to digest it and not feel bad during/after exercise) and then have a protein/carbohydrate shake/snack about 0,5 - 1h after the exercise to allow your body to recover.

d) At breakfast, prefer sources of protein (meat, egg, dairy products [milk, quark, cheese]), some fruits and whole grains (bread, porridge). I usually grind some flax/hemp/pine seeds and walnuts/almonds if I eat porridge, to get the good fats out of them. Eating a big breakfast keeps you full longer and you'll eat less during the day. At dinner, prefer soup or salad since you won't be needing that much energy in the evening (if just staying home).

e) Drop the usual shitty stuff from your nutrition - sugar, animal (saturated) fat, white flour, excess salt. You need fat anyway (omega 3, mono/poly-unsaturated) so don't cut it off your nutrition all together. Use olive oil as salad dressing instead of mayo or any other dressing.

f) No alcohol. Or maybe just on the weekends. You know what it does to you, so I don't have to even repeat.

g) Drink lots of water, about 2,5 liters on normal day and about 4 liters on a day when you exercise (or otherwise sweat a lot). Keeping water bottle or glass nearby will remind you.

h) Protein powder / snack bars is almost a must. You need more protein to build your muscles than you can get from regular food without exceeding your adjusted calorie intake. Protein shake as afternoon snack (not necessarily, can have sandwich / fruits too), after exercise and as evening snack should do the trick.

i) Follow the food plate model - 1/2 of salad / veggies, 1/4 rice / potatoes / pasta, 1/4 meat / chicken / fish / tofu. Preferably even use a bit smaller plates to give the optical illusion that there's more food on the plate. Eat slowly so you'll start to feel full during the eating, and stop when you reach that point. You're not a kid anymore - no more need to 'finish the plate' :) Doggy bags are your friend if eating out.

j) There should be veggies or fruit on your every meal. You should eat at least 400 grams, preferably over 600 grams of those, every day. Fruit juices are just pure sugar, avoid them - eat a whole fruit instead.

k) Eat the low-cal items on your plate first, then go for the high-cal ones. Start with salads, veggies, and soups, and eat meats and rice/potato/pasta last. By the time you get to them, you’ll be full enough to be content with smaller portions of the high-calorie choices. If you've eaten all there is, and still feel hungry, drink lots of water and wait for an hour. If you still feel hungry, eat a snack with protein, but next time make sure your meal has enough calories to fill you up.

Food tips:
1) How to Build The Habit of Eating Breakfast -
2a) NutritionData - http://www.nutritiondata.com (good to check if you
get all the minerals and vitamins you need, too)
2b) Fineli - http://www.fineli.fi/index.php?lang=en (similar to
NutritionData, but more European choices)
3) Reduce Your Cravings -
4) Top 10 Testosterone Boosting Foods -
(since high testosterone levels make you stronger and help you build up muscles easier)

Things to think about:
Acid / Alkaline foods, Anti-inflammatory foods, Low GI foods


a) Stop smoking. You know the dangers.

b) Get yourself a scale and a tape measure, or go and buy yourself shirt and pants that are one size too small. You'll notice when they start to fit.

c) Keep active during the day. Walk all the distances possible, use stairs instead of elevator and so on. Doing household chores is good, especially cleaning the place and putting things back to where they belong, since you'll walk around and bend down catching the stuff from the floor :) There should be at least 30 minutes of this kind of movement daily. "Don't lie down, when you can sit, don't sit when you can stand. Don't stand if you can walk, and don't walk if you can run."

d) Don't read, watch TV, sit on the computer or do anything what distracts you from eating. Concentrating on eating alone. Learn to focus on the point where you start feeling full.

e) Keep a food journal for few weeks, and don't leave anything out - you'd be otherwise just fooling yourself. Mark what time is it when you eat, and also mood (if you're feeling tired, stressed, slightly depressed, for instance) - just to give yourself a clue if you're prone to eat certain types of food when in certain mood or at certain time a day.

f) Eat your last meal at latest 3 hrs before going to bed. This gives your body time to digest it and take the energy instead of just storing it when you go to sleep.

g) Try to go to bed and wake up every day at the same time, sleep at least 7 hrs every night. Too little sleep gets you swollen.

Lifestyle tips:
1) How to Boost Your Metabolic Rate and Stimulate Your Body to Burn
More Calories -


a) Vary the things you're doing. Gym works for building muscle, but you need something aerobic (walking, running, cycling, swimming) to burn off the fat. Pilates, yoga, Method Putkisto and stretching increase flexibility and prevent joint and muscle injuries. Don't stuck with just one or two different kind of sports.

b) Exercising with friends guarantees you won't just slack off. All kinds of racket games (squash, tennis, badminton) are great for that. Sometimes things you don't even consider as exercising, like bowling, playing pool or minigolf work miracles too.

c) Pedometer is a nifty little device, counting the steps you take during the day. You should make at least 10 000 per day. May feel stupid at first,
but after few days you'll think it as a game where you should break the high score every day ;)

d) Make a schedule for exercising. For me, it is (when I'm in that healthy mood) usually swimming on Monday & Friday, nordic walking on Tuesday, gym on Wednesday, badminton with friends on Thursday, on Saturdays I rest and Sunday's for pilates or yoga. Also decide, whether you'll exercise in the morning before going to work or at evenings at certain time, like 20.00 every day.

e) Vary the gym program every 3 months. Otherwise your muscles will get too used to for same exercises. New movements activate them over again.

f) Wii Fit does work.

Exercise tips:
1a) Exrx - http://www.exrx.net/ (movements as .gif animations, also
ready gym program templates)
1b) Train With Me Online - http://www.trainwithmeonline.com/ (videos!
you can even download them on iPhone!)
2) How To Workout Your Abs Without Buying Stupid Crap -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrUUEujszlY (nothing new here, but I
like the guy's attitude - and you can do this stuff home!)
3) The Prison Workout - http://www.marksdailyapple.com/prison-workout/
(simple, yet efficient)

Things to think about:
The "Body For Life" regime
added on the 2009-11-06 09:16:32 by jenni jenni
