ascii and the unicode evolution
category: residue [glöplog]
if there's a demoscener working for a high level institution to control language transitions, could you break a revolution about the unicode charset. i'm running into alil trouble with language on social networks and the unicode font "tokens" used. like DAMN. we have a basic 32 bit. make ascii use the 0xff to tokenize a unicode charset. one byte for the table index and the usual 16 bit for the token.
why nobody got this already? -_-
just a rant. you got opinions about it?
why nobody got this already? -_-
just a rant. you got opinions about it?
What's wrong with UTF-8?
what trc said
What kb said
what joghurt said
Oh snap. I read "Ascii and the Unicorn revolution" and was already wondering what I might find here.