
Demoscene cryptocurrencies!

category: general [glöplog]
knl: I ran the numbers the other day out of curiosity. It depends on a lot of variables, not least what electricity costs in your region and how effective hardware you're using. Where I'm at energy is mighty expensive but even when using GPUs it'll still turn a net profit -- I wouldn't do it for a day job though, and one will never get the same margins as people using specialized ASICs.
added on the 2014-09-01 17:23:15 by gaia gaia
@gaia I missed a bit the whole BT train (I consider myself a bit too stupid to get it right, though the idea behind it makes me smile), will consider Dogecoin as they trigger my interests by talking a lot about the use of it (or parties) for helping creators. Will try to read a bit about it then will claim my TPOLMs.
rez: Sent and transferred! If you feel like it (and when you decide on appropriate # to have in existence), feel free to distribute some RAZOR back to me :)

cp: 136BqVcwZqcmwcuJjs2yNMP9nSJvuGvhhN
added on the 2014-09-01 21:52:16 by wendell wendell
haaa thank you wendell! it worked fine!

btw I can't send you back some RAZOR since I need 0.0005 bitcoins to be able to send back :3
added on the 2014-09-02 13:52:34 by rez rez
Thread necromancy:

There is since some years Amigacoin which trades for "real money" (Bitcoin, but cheaper than dirt) at the Cryptopia.co.nz exchange.


Full disclosure: I own 500k+ amigacoins myself. You know, because AAAAMMMIIIGGGAHH...
added on the 2016-08-29 22:30:46 by El Topo El Topo
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added on the 2016-10-30 00:13:48 by mrmaroll mrmaroll
Haha, I was thinking about SCENECOIN some years ago. But found it lame to make just another alt. It would be nice to create an incentive to make demos to gain this currenty. Proof-of-demo? :)
added on the 2016-11-02 16:50:27 by zden zden
added on the 2016-11-03 09:41:26 by Tigrou Tigrou
Haha, I was thinking about SCENECOIN some years ago. But found it lame to make just another alt. It would be nice to create an incentive to make demos to gain this currenty. Proof-of-demo? :)


Actually I was thinking about a system where you could earn coins for your glöps :) It could be 100% premined and handed out by a central committee, in the spirit of oligarchy/communism/scene.
added on the 2016-11-03 13:57:59 by El Topo El Topo
