
fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
"prod type" I tried to say...
added on the 2005-01-05 15:52:04 by mizc mizc
same thing goes for
actually those are 64b intros as well.
added on the 2005-01-05 15:59:25 by mizc mizc
I already fixed 2 of those 3 until I noticed that 64b and 64k aren't the same. Means: There is no 64b category (yet). But after that compo-entries it could be more interesting to see all those <=1k-tros in one category.
there's a minor bug in this bbs

for example taking topic page with id that hasn't been started yet, e.g:

and you can still write a message without topic (which are shown when topic is started).
added on the 2005-01-05 18:42:02 by shadez shadez

added on the 2005-01-05 18:50:48 by NoahR NoahR
why does the url http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=15220 give me random results on each refresh..?
added on the 2005-01-05 21:56:25 by gloom gloom
Glooms right. that url is behaving in an odd way.
added on the 2005-01-05 22:03:42 by NoahR NoahR
'cos the prod was deleted, thus it returns a random one
added on the 2005-01-05 22:07:31 by Gargaj Gargaj
So does all "dead" urls here do that?
added on the 2005-01-05 22:08:16 by NoahR NoahR
and why was it deleted if i may ask?
added on the 2005-01-05 23:03:59 by dipswitch dipswitch
Dip. its was a fake demotool. It was the german version of notepad. i guess thats why ;)
added on the 2005-01-05 23:04:43 by NoahR NoahR
Gloom: That happens only because it's the latest prd (with the highest id) and it was deleted. So it appears you want a prod out of id-range which automatically brings you a random one. As soon as there is a new prod, you will see the clackclack-message from ps.
A small kind of wtf?!:
BP03 invitation - I see the two editprod-links but the nfo is missing. I cannot read it nor post one...
some fag marked http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=13158 as pc demo while it is clearly for combined demo compo ;)
added on the 2005-01-06 05:03:31 by randomi randomi
fixed that
gargaj/madenmann: i had a sneaky feeling it would be because it had been deleted.. :) still - pretty freaky..
added on the 2005-01-06 07:34:56 by gloom gloom

broken, please delete.
added on the 2005-01-06 08:42:30 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
Could you please add the "Virtual Boy" as a machine? I'd love to submit a bunch of prods.

The Virtual Boy was a 3D handheld / console hybrid by Nintendo which was released in 1995 in North America and Japan only, really freaky and cool machine which works with two screens and shows you REAL 3D environment.
added on the 2005-01-06 14:20:59 by freeze freeze
maden: if someone adds a 0byte .txt as .nfo prod.php recognizes it's 0bytes and doesnt print the [nfo].
added on the 2005-01-06 14:28:11 by psenough psenough
freeze: added
added on the 2005-01-06 14:29:33 by psenough psenough
stelthz: we dont delete broken urls, we update it when it's back available online..
added on the 2005-01-06 14:32:21 by psenough psenough
Thanks ps. :)

And by the way. Can you please change this screenshot of this - http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=15117 - prod to this one? - http://www.vidgames.de/besenkammer/sanitized-final.jpg

added on the 2005-01-06 14:34:21 by freeze freeze
so, where are the virtual boy prods freeze? =)
added on the 2005-01-06 14:35:46 by dipswitch dipswitch
Coming, coming!
added on the 2005-01-06 14:46:12 by freeze freeze
to be deleted:
added on the 2005-01-06 18:42:22 by keops keops
