
Does anyone remember the horror FPS, Blood (1997)?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Did you play it? Did you like it?

I think it was the best game ever, and few are comparable to it today, maybe the Bioshock saga, but not what Monolith did after it, like FEAR...

I returned to blood about ten or eleven years ago when I played blood 2, and by then there was a very big fanbase, and a community.

I'm looking someone from the scene and from blood community who's a lawyer, to push for a revival of the franchise, (I want to write the script for the movie) I've posted a long message about this in the postmortem, please read it if interested...

I'm looking not only for a lawyer but for someone who writes screenplays to co-write the screenplay with me. I've had already outlined a form of the story, it's what happens to Caleb before the first game...

If you're interested: http://www.the-postmortem.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2432&p=53160#p53160
liked it. iirc it was a slightly improved build engine, including support for voxel objects (a topic ken silverman was interested back then)... very fluid gameplay, good gfx, great atmosphere.

can't help with what you're looking for though. good luck!
added on the 2016-04-01 23:57:03 by jco jco
I liked it much back then. Had a unique atmosphere, great graphics and was bloody as hell. You can buy it cheap on GOG.com, which is also nice these days. Still have to play it again after all these years, though. Remember it was kind of hard.
added on the 2016-04-02 16:02:46 by elend elend
It was an OK game to me when I played it back then. I prefer DOOM, Duke3D, Wolf3D, etc.
added on the 2016-04-02 18:28:26 by AntDude AntDude
I must've played all the staples of first person shooters, and some of the rare ones... if you have played them a lot, and from start to finish, without cheating, you are gonna conclude that the FPS genre not only lacks originality, but is a form of game play that is shallow as it gets...

I think that post-2003 nobody does goods FPS except for Techland, not even ID soft...

I loved Blood deeply, and still do, and I hate, BUT HATE with passion the other FPS stuff by Monolith... old and new... I can't believe that from something like Blood, Monolith fell to something so silly and esthetically undesirable as the F.E.A.R saga...

atm I'm playing Blood: Death Wish, which is a three-episode, thirty~ level mod created by a bloodite... on DOSBox, the design is quite flawed (I'm by the 3rd level of the first chapter as of now) but it's quite thrilling to have a ~30 level mod to toy with.

3 years ago I played the two expansions in my laptop when travelling and I enjoyed them... prolly because of the small screen, if you run build3d games with dosbox, you must do quite a lot of tweaking, specially in the nvidia control panel...
I liked that game, one of my favorite Build-engine based games. I also liked the first FEAR game too. Still like them.
added on the 2016-04-03 14:03:35 by Optimus Optimus
I loved Blood deeply, and still do, and I hate, BUT HATE with passion the other FPS stuff by Monolith...

Shogo was okay.
added on the 2016-04-03 14:04:04 by Gargaj Gargaj
I played Shogo, but I thought it wasn't good because why would an American company do a anime/manga-inspired game?

I must have played 4 or 5 levels of Shogo only, also, I think that the mecha parts of Shogo did away with the suspension of disbelief. They didn't get the proportions right...
