category: general [glöplog]
Hello all fans and members of Jumalauta!
February is now OFFICIALLY Jumalauta month. On this fine month of February 2006 JML will release a new prod EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!
How is this possible you may ask. Well, actually it might not be. To complete this amazing task we really need as many JML members as possible to contribute. So get out that compiler and start fixing those old routines you've just had laying around for some time and actually DO SOMETHING with them. Or maybe you don't really feel comfortable with programming, NO PROBLEM. Today's advanced computer technology makes demomaking possible even without programming skills. (PLZ no OSDM demos though, they are lame).
Also, if you aren't a JML member yet NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN.
We really need everyone's help and if you think you can help us out don't feel afraid to come to ircnet #3.1415926535897932384626433832795 where the majority of active JML members can be found pretty much 24/7.
To see the first prod of this fascinating month see:
With kind regards, sAK/jML!
February is now OFFICIALLY Jumalauta month. On this fine month of February 2006 JML will release a new prod EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!
How is this possible you may ask. Well, actually it might not be. To complete this amazing task we really need as many JML members as possible to contribute. So get out that compiler and start fixing those old routines you've just had laying around for some time and actually DO SOMETHING with them. Or maybe you don't really feel comfortable with programming, NO PROBLEM. Today's advanced computer technology makes demomaking possible even without programming skills. (PLZ no OSDM demos though, they are lame).
Also, if you aren't a JML member yet NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN.
We really need everyone's help and if you think you can help us out don't feel afraid to come to ircnet #3.1415926535897932384626433832795 where the majority of active JML members can be found pretty much 24/7.
To see the first prod of this fascinating month see:
With kind regards, sAK/jML!
Long live Jumalauta!
We shall take what is rightfully ours!
Are you planning a fight with Titan over which group who has the most members?? ;-)
We already have more members than Titan, but no one can compete in that with ISO!
I finished my contribution for the jumalauta month (hoping that it meets the jml standards...). Is there any place I can send it to?
Also, if you aren't a JML member yet NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN.
We really need everyone's help and if you think you can help us out don't feel afraid to come to ircnet #3.1415926535897932384626433832795 where the majority of active JML members can be found pretty much 24/7.
This February is going to kick some major ass!
We already have more members than Titan, but no one can compete in that with ISO!
Let's make a fusion :D
seriously : how could i help?
Today it's time for a Windows 4k:
Irokos and all others wondering how they can help need to stop wondering and start creating. :)
Oh and sorry to everone who'se come to Pi during the middle of the night. I know I said we can be reached 24/7, which is the case during some nights, but to maximize the probability of someone being awake I recommend coming during daytime or in the evening.
Irokos and all others wondering how they can help need to stop wondering and start creating. :)
Oh and sorry to everone who'se come to Pi during the middle of the night. I know I said we can be reached 24/7, which is the case during some nights, but to maximize the probability of someone being awake I recommend coming during daytime or in the evening.
I've come during day time (23.oo) and i got ignored! :(
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
Accession gives props to Jumalauta for this action and responds with 'effect a day in February' (because someone isn't quite capable of pulling off a full demo in a day, despite trying yesterday.)
Also my personnal props to such move.
Friends of 4K intros are really being cherished right now. After the both critically acclaimed and technically outstanding Ambient Line Fetish from yesterday JML brings you another fantastic Windows 4K. This time done by chokes on dick/jML!.
we still continue to dominate the universe
Nazi perestroika for mentally challenged people!
where is the DUNGEON HORROR
you are rekilling the scene
luckily, february has 28 days only - 24 bad "prods" to come...