
brainfusk by mfx [web]
screenshot added by nosfe on 2001-11-15 14:41:40
platform :
type :
release date : september 2001
release party : PHAT 2001
compo : none
ranked : n/a
  • 2
  • 11
  • 3
popularity : 61%
  • -0.06
alltime top: #44951
  • nosfe nosfe [Graphics (video), Music]
added on the 2001-09-24 13:55:22 by nosfe nosfe

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i thought that demos containing nazi-messages normally got disqualified at compos (keywords: hitler, consume)
sucks added on the 2001-09-25 17:24:23 by rasmus/loonies rasmus/loonies
to clarify: there's a blurred irc screen that happens to have a person with nick "hitler" (pretty unrelated to anything).

besides, stuff labeled "brainfusk" and containing word "hitler" doesn't exactly sound pro-nazi to me.

otoh, "consume" is sgeneboetry and should be dissed.
added on the 2001-09-25 20:02:07 by 216 216
okok, the word consume wasn't really what i meant.
yes, "consume" is scenepoetry and should be dissed.

macaw, your comment had the word "hitler" on it, so you are spreading evil nazi-messages!
added on the 2001-09-25 22:12:30 by nosfe nosfe
well, nosfe. just make sure to review all your video-sources before throwing them randomly in your avi-program.
i do review all my video sources before since i shoot them all myself.

and i don't use any fucking avi program, windows is for nuumediawhores.

also, consuming is not any part of the nazi-ideology, but a part of capitalist society where you existence as a member of society is defined by how much you consume. though, all capitalost societies are ofcourse totalitarian.

you must be really blind if you can't see the signs of fascism in your everyday life. but instead you have to look for them so eagerly that you don't stop to think for a second when you see the name hitler written somewhere. or then you are plain stupid.

yes, it may be true that the point of the video, if it had any, wasn't underlined too much, but still it's fucking unbelievable to see someone making such stupid conclusions.

added on the 2001-09-26 01:05:40 by nosfe nosfe
ugh, typos. fuck.
added on the 2001-09-26 01:06:36 by nosfe nosfe
macaw. you do have a tendency to make really stupid, badly thought through, nonsensial posts. if you don't mind me saying so <g>.
added on the 2001-09-26 01:55:51 by _ _
errr, whatever. let's all praise nosfe for spreading communistic propagana with a nazi subtheme.

(yes, i am a capitalist, like most of the western world).
capitalist society != consumer society.

we are in consumer societies. no citizens only consumers.
added on the 2001-09-26 08:55:45 by _-_-__ _-_-__
communism is as totalitarian as fascism.
I am against all authoritarian forms of society.

btw. nsk has done some pretty good job with studying the similarity of communism and fascism and using it in their art.
read and learn.
added on the 2001-09-26 11:08:29 by nosfe nosfe
So here I am, looking for demos to download, and suddenly I step inside the Geneva convention! Isn't the net a beautiful thing? :-)
added on the 2001-09-30 15:59:16 by moT moT
i thought i should also note that the overall quoality of the video ain't that good. it was made in a great hurry and it doesn't have such a consistend visual theme that i usually like to have.

also the fact that i'm using sgenepoetry there is quite embarrassing and i try not to do that anymore.
though, it is quite amazing that someone can find meaning in words that are randomly chosen just becouse there had to be some text.

the music is suprisingly good. experimental noisy electronics.
added on the 2001-10-03 14:03:12 by nosfe nosfe
who's taken my avatar ?! >|
added on the 2002-03-17 18:57:41 by asphyx asphyx
eheh, ra5mus, if one is an anticapitalist he has to be a communist, eh? you fuckin' moron :)
added on the 2002-12-16 18:37:38 by juho3 juho3
i thought he was implying an anticapitalist / fascist correlation instead of a commie one but whatever..
added on the 2004-07-16 19:33:39 by psenough psenough
Link is dead. (2005.09.25)
nosfe seems to be available at:
added on the 2005-09-25 18:06:23 by BITS BITS
As the last URLdoesn't store any videos, here is also:
added on the 2005-09-25 18:09:54 by BITS BITS
oh come on, do "subliminal messages" or "politics" [even if they're there...] count? do they add or take away anything from the value of a production? what do they have to do with style, design, technical solutions, etc... ?
anyhow, is there a link ANYWHERE?
added on the 2005-09-25 20:15:33 by kelsey kelsey
this is currently not online anywhere. i try to upload all my released vids which have been lost from the net to scene.org soon..
added on the 2005-10-25 23:05:12 by nosfe nosfe
sucks added on the 2007-04-28 09:07:37 by puNky puNky
haha, its real cool )))
rulez added on the 2009-11-23 09:10:11 by preston preston
must..... treat.... bleeding...... ears.......
sucks added on the 2010-01-24 23:44:10 by SiR SiR
great sound
rulez added on the 2013-05-05 21:46:41 by T$ T$
the youtube link says "congretate"

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