
drystal cream 2.5 by Headcrash [web]

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                            C ∙ R ∙ E ∙ A ∙ M                              ∙ 
                             two point five                                : 
∙ Yes...we know it...we are lame. We ripped stuff. We ripped ideas. We are
· so uncreative.
  But we feel good ! =)
  Dudes, no hard feelings. We don't make fun of the real "Crystal Dream II",
  this is our tribute to this great demo and to the oldskool times from the
  early 80ies to the early 90ies.
  However, we hope you understand the case and had some fun with this prod.
  We had lotsa fun. And fun is what counts, he ?

  And now the lamers to flame for this rip:

        idea, code, main ripper: StyX
                not ripped code: ThUmB, Ctulhu
               not ripped muzak: N.r.t.h.
              partly ripped gfx: StyX
                 not ripped gfx: Myrdin, N.r.t.h.
                              - ∙ -
                   muzak system: Sahara Surfers / (c) Housemarque Inc.
                  datalink tool: Ys/CUD (thanx alot !)

  This demo is our contribution to the Assembly 2k oldskool demo compo. And
  although the rules allowed VESA support we didn't use it. Oldskool is ModeX
  or Mode13 and not modern crap like VESA. I really wonder why they didn't
  allow 3d acceleration ?

  For the case you're interested: the demo was written in Watcom C++ and ASM.
  The music is a 4-channel chiptune.

  Advanced Greets/Respects coming up:

  StyX greets:
  Triton - for the original and great Crystal Dream II
  Future Crew - for ASM orga and great oldskool demos
  Iguana - for even more great oldskool stuff
  S!P, Xography, Access Denied, Acme, Cybernetic Dreams, CoeXistence and the
  other old crews
  Cubic Team & $een, Haujobb, CUD, Secretly!, Yodel, NEXTEMPIRE, Visuale,
  Trebel, Moon Hunters, Dubius, Hugi and some I forgot
  doj, pascal, Abyss, Ys, hellfire, Voodoo, Makke, P.o.C., Nobody, Mr. Vain,
  submissive, Seantje, Tomic, Kombat, Civax, Adok,
  and my dad - for his 486 we used as testplatform

  N.r.t.h. greets:
  Trebel - heavy construction =)
  greuh! - ltp...ltp...
  xman - nice talking to you about trees!
  Makke - chippy guy!
  "Back to the roots" staff (thanks Hippie)

  myrdin greets:
  amphetamine (cause sometimes, u need drugs)
  Triton - for the original one
  orion, popsy-team, calodox, cocoon, condense, Bomb!, Haujobb - 'cause u're my idols
  n.r.t.h., styx, thumb and ctulhu - for let me join headcrash
  Sear - i love your style
  Equinox - cause oldschool rulezzz α donf' :)
  School - u sux trop grave !
  ronan : for moral support =)
  klang : include<chip.h> arrache trop sa reum

  ThUmB greets:
  Xography - How are you, guys?
  he was too slow to greet more - we have to release it in 30 min

  Ctulhu greets:
  TUM - for cool Party
  Abyss^FC - for sucking ASM-Orga (waited 2 hours)
  DasTier - for not being here
  UncleBen - for JAVA-Demo
  ThUmB - "woher weiss die Tuere, wo ich stehe"
  Bine - I love you!!!

  P.S.: Hiho guys ! I don't know why most people make many dreams out of   ∙
        one. The original demo is called "Crystal Dream II" and not        ·
        "Crystal Dreams II"

the elk is better.
beware of the elk.