
Eternal Gardens by Craw Productions

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                        Volume three - Spring 1996
             Distributed with the Musicdisk "Eternal Gardens"

║ New Account...     ║
        Our e-mail address is no longer "craw@hookup.net", but it is
"craw@magi.com".  Please make note of this!  We don't want you sending your
mail to a non-existant Craw Productions account!

║ Opening words...   ║
        Craw productions is a Canadian software duo from Ottawa, composed of
LakEEE and PsychoMan.  We are big fans and supporters of computer graphical
and tracked musical demonstrations all over the world, and have made a few
ourselves.  In essence, one can call us a demo group, although we do dabble
in game and utility coding.
        Both LakEEE and PsychoMan were part of the demo group called 
"Axidental" back in 1994, but that is no more.  The other members of the old 
group have gone separate ways, whether on or off the demo scene, and these
people are: Cyclone, Biocide, Mental Floss and Dark Spy.  Our only production 
with these four was "The Accident", which competed at ASM '94.

║ Eternal Gardens Musicdisk   ║
        Thank you very much for taking the time to obtain this new musicdisk
by LakEEE (me), which contains works that range from summer to winter 1995.  
Once again, there is a variety of styles and moods, although it seems like 
new age and techno (of some sort) prevail in this collection.  One thing I 
didn't manage to compose for this musicdisk was a jazz tune, and I do regret
that, but it's just so hard to get nice samples and think up a good, solid
tune... :(  But anyways, I hope you enjoy Eternal Gardens, especially the 
"Azuris" trilogy within it, Monoliths, Alone in the Cosmos and Rhythmotion.
If you have any comments to make, please feel free to tell me!

║ Infinity demo!     ║
        It's a new year, and you know what that means... Naid.  Once again,
Craw Productions plans to compete at the mighty North American International
Democontest with a feature demo.  This time, the demo is called "Infinity",
and, as is fairly obvious, the basic theme of it is about the concept of
what humans consider as infinity.  For eight minutes, the demo will explore
several visual ideas that represent infinity in mathematical, spiritual,
literal, and conceptual ways.
        We plan to release a short preview demo before Naid, so if you want
a little taste of what Infinity looks and feels like, then keep an eye out
for "Window to Oblivion"... and download it, of course.
        Hope to see YOU at Naid!

║ Group statistics   ║
        Our group is made up of only two people, and it will probably stay 
that way for a while.  Both are from Canada, their native country, although
we do have family ties elsewhere...

          -Kenji Toyooka, "LakEEE" - (Born in 1976)
              is one of the main coders of Craw, as well as its only
              musician and graphics artist.

          -Michael Anttila, "PsychoMan" - (Born in 1976)
              is the other coder and handles most of the very low
              level assembly code and sound playing routines.

║ Our productions    ║
        So far we have released only three productions, but indeed we are 
planning a lot more.  The list includes demos, intros, utilities and games, 
either freeware or shareware.

Mar 1995  "Optica" - Advertisement for Opticron
Apr 1995  "Opticron" - Our first demo (6.5 minutes)
Jul 1995  "Vortex" - A music disk by LakEEE (16 songs)
Feb 1996  "Eternal Gardens" - Another music disk by LakEEE (9 songs)

Upcoming  "Window to Oblivion" - Our preview demo for our Naid 1996
              entry;  similar to Optica.  Basically, this 
              advertisement is to boost the pre-compo excitement.

          "Introspectator" - Yet another music disk by LakEEE (5 songs)
              This will be released together with Window to Oblivion.

          "Infinity" - Our demo for Naid 1996.  Once again, true to
              our group ideals, this production has a strong
              theme and highly synchronized music.

          "CrawDraw" - An MCGA motivated graphics drawing program
              with many practical, efficient options and an
              extensive "shape grabbing" interface with special

          "CrawDir" - A fast and useful directory program that 
              has sorting, searching and viewing options.

          "Dreaming" - A shareware game; a horizontal shoot 'em
              up with a unique weapons system and fantastic enemies
              accompanied by 8 channel music and 4 channel sound
              effects.  Seven levels in total.

          "PsychoPlayer" - Our S3M / MOD music file player with
              file menu options and a playlist ability.

          "Release Me" - A new demo which bases itself around a
              robot and its existence.  Lots of plot and storyline 

          "CrawWorlds" - New 3D system that will feature many effects 
              ideal for movies and presentations, this nice utility 
              may become shareware...

║ Contacting us      ║
        You may use any of the following methods to contact us.  However, 
some mediums are better than others - they are listed in order of preference
for us, from best to worst:

                  -This is our group Email account, it is subject to change
                   however.  Look for any new addresses in later Craw
                   Production info files.

                  -LakEEE's personal account on the Ottawa Freenet.

                  -PsychoMan's personal account.

        Fidonet Mail:
                Mike Anttila 1:163/416
                  -PsychoMan's FidoNet Mail address.

        Snail Mail:
                Kenji Toyooka (LakEEE),
                1124 Cline Cr.
                Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
                K2C 2P2

                Michael Anttila (PsychoMan)
                452 Evered Ave.
                Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
                K1Z 5K8

        LakEEE hangs around IRC from time to time, usually on #coders
        and #trax.  Yell if you see me!
        We also both keep track of the usenet newsgroup 
        comp.sys.ibm.pc.demos, so you can post something there as well.

║ End of File        ║
        Thanks muchos gracias for reading this text file!

                                        signed,  Kenji Toyooka - "LakEEE"
                                                 of Craw Productions

                                                            February 1, 1995