
Total Malfunction by Progrex

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                         AND ALSO THE SOLUTION TO IT

           Despite the big topic above, PROGREX is less proud to
           present their first demo called Total Malfunction. It
           ain't as mind-blasting as we planned it to be; we had
           enough problems with the system code  and things like
             Making the first demo is a hell; you don't have any
           experience, you don't have any code already done. You
           just have  to create everything.  During these months
           each of us has surely learnt a lot of things.  It can
           easily be seen in the result;  some parts are clearly
           better than  some others.  Anyway,  we didn't abandon
           any part  but just collected  them together.  This is
           definitely not the right way  to make a cool demo and
           that's the reason why TM ain't so cool - instead it's
           just a weird mix-up.
             At least one thing is sure about that mix-up: we're
           damn bored with it.  And so would you after seeing it
           about 1500 times.  Anyway, if you have a 486 machine,
           the demo might be entertaining for a few minutes - at
           least we hope so.  It might also  run well  in a 386,
           but the owners of  386SX  machines are recommended to
           forget watching it.  Fortunately the program  doesn't
           run in a 286 at all.
             386 processor is required due to 386 code and Sound
           Blaster  is  extremely recommended  because  no other
           soundcards are supported. Only Gravis Ultrasound sup-
           port might've been possible but we ran totally out of
           time. Perhaps the next time...
             And there will be  the next time,  now that we have
           learnt the basics of demo coding. Of course we have a
           large amount of good ideas and so, but unfortunately,
           time is a thing  we don't have  too much.  Thus,  you
           shouldn't expect us to release any big product before
           Assembly'94...but of course you never know...

           Although TM ain't so great there is one thing,  which
           is worth mentioning :
             In Total Malfunction  we have used a new 32-bit me-
           mory addressing system. It allowed us to use extended
           memory without the protected mode.  Additional memory
           is used only  for the musics  because the system  was
           invented so late.
             You can learn  everything needed  about this system
           by reading a text file called REALMEM.NFO.

           But now to something completely different.

           The members of PROGREX (alphabetical order):
             ■ Bytemancer  -  code, GFX
             ■ Chatter     -  code
             ■ Dr. JayJay  -  muzak
             ■ Ender       -  GFX
             ■ Ranger      -  code

           Don't hesitate to write to us, if you have something
           to say.  Forget it, if you just want programming in-
           formation or things like that.
             In addition PROGREX is very interested  in earning
           money by making (small) commercial programs and such
           stuff. In the case you're interested, contact us and
           tell what kind of advert you've planned. However, we
           DON'T SUPPORT MICROSOFT WINDOWS at any cost. This is
           due to its extreme limitations  and  incredible dis-
           advantage of being so slow.

           How to contact PROGREX :
             Mail :         Bytemancer                      
                            Vesa Pentti
                            Taikatie 14 B 5
                            04230  KERAVA

             BBS :          Chatter

                            Northern Realm       +358-0-294-0897 /24H
                            This PROGREX WHQ will be opened 1.3.1994.
                            Don't  waste your time  by calling before
                            the mentioned date.
           You can also reach any of us by sending netmail to:

             Fidonet : 2:220/980
             Internet: @p0.f980.n220.z2.fidonet.org

         │ BTW:  If the demo is totally malfunctioning, boot your │
         │       computer with only HIMEM.SYS driver.             │

      Total Malfunction was released on 30.1.1994.

      Live long and prosper