
Wiseguys by Tornado

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         ··∙∙ The Original Russian Net And Demo 0rganization ∙∙··


           ┌┐ ┐ ┐ ┌┐ ┌┬──┐ ┌┬──┐      ┌┬──  ┌┐  ┐ ┌┐ ┌┐ ┌──┬┐
       │   ├┤ │ │ ├┤ └┴─┬┐ ├┼─        ├┤ ┬┐ ├┤  │ └┴─┼┤ ┌┬─┴┘
       ├─┐ └┴─┴─┘ └┘ └──┴┘ └┴──┘      └┴─┴┘ └┴──┘ └──┴┘ └┴──┘ ╔──────·
  ·──────╜                                                    └─┤
             ▄▄               ▄▄▄▄                              │
           ▄█████▄▄         ▄██████▄
          ▐█████████▄▄    ▄█████ ████▄
         ▐████  ████▄███▀█▀█▀▄▄█████████        ·
         ████▌ ▀███████████ ████▀▀▀▀███▀        │────═══·■ Contents ■·═══────
        ▐████  ███▄▄███ ██   ▀███████▀      ·───╫────────────────────═══════╗
        ████▌   ▀▀▀▀▀ ███        ▀█             ║ ·∙√ Small Inf0 'bout Dem0 │
       ▄█████ ▄████████▄▀█████▄▄  ▄             ║                           │
   ▄▄████████████████████▄▀██████▄              │ ·∙√ Technical Support..   │
 ▄██████████▀██████████████▐██████▄             │                           │
███████████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀████▄██▀▀▄▄▄█            │ ·∙√ Greetz...             │
███████████▄▀██████████▄  ▄ ▄▄ ▀████    ▄▄▄▄    │                           │
▐████▀▄█▀███▄▀█████████████▄▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄ ▄██████▄  │ ·∙√ Creditz...            ║
 ████▄▀▄▀█████▄▀▀████████▀▄▄███████▀▄██████████ │                           ║
  ██████▌█ ██████▄▄▀██▀▀▄████████▀▄████▀███▀███ │ ·∙√ Contacts...           ║
   ▀ ▀▀██▄██████████▌▄███████████▄█████▄▀▀▀██▀  ╚═══════────────────────────╫───
    █▀▐████████████▄███▄▄▀█▀███████████████▄                                │
       ████████████▀▄▀████▄██████████████████▄                              ·
    ▌ ▐█████████▀▄▄███ ████▀▀████████████████▀
    ▀ █████████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄█▀█████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀██▀
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     ▐████████                    ▀██▌▀▀

│                                                                              │
■═══════════════─────────∙[] Small Inf0 'bout Dem0 []∙──────────═══════════════■
┌                                                                              ║
│ Hiya, dude...  Well... It's our first own dem0 release... Wow it took 2      ║
│ weeks of coding... We R now working on a fine release named "Warning! Gluk!" │
│ Which should be ready in November ... That gonna be e real cewl demo! L00k 4 │
│ it on our supported boardz...						       │
│									       │
│ Thiz dem0 was written on C++, ASm with the GOLDPLAY by the CodeBlasters.     │
│ All effects made by TN0, we didn't hack any demo! Thnx 2 FC 4 fnts & unknwn  │
│ 4 pct. (C) 1994 by TORNAD0 GRoUP...                                          │
└                                                                              │
■═══════════════───────────∙[] Technical Support []∙────────────═══════════════■
║                                                                              ┐
║ ■ Thiz demo requires an +386 CPU or higher...                                │
║ ■ Sound Blaster (PRO), Covox, Pc-beeper...                                   │
║ ■ We'll recommend U 2 view thiz dem0 on 486+ SB...                           │
║                                                                              │
│ It was tested on 386SX-40, 386DX-44, 486DX2-66, Sound Blaster, Covox & PCBip │
│                                                                              │
│ If you want to have a nightmare, my advice -- run it on 386Sx-40 with SB =)  │
│                                                                              ┘
■═══════════════────────────────∙[] Greetz []∙──────────────────═══════════════■
┌                                                                              ║
│ Greetz goes 2 followin' groups:                                              ║
│                                                                              ║
│       Russian: DDT, Cold Boot, 0VR                                           ║
│       Foreign: Cascada, Binary Poets, TDT, THG, TCB, Future Crew, Legend...  ║
│                                                                              │
│ Personal greetz:                                                             │
│                                                                              │
│       Bloody Mary, Sly Fox, Greenman, Count Monte-Cristo,                    │
│       & to all who believed in us ... Think it was ya ?!?		       │
│ 									       │
│ NOTE: Greenman, don't think that we made this demo to fuck your group off!   │
│ No, CBG & TNO now are the best demo groups in Russia, so we are with you &   │
│ you are with us. Well ... =) ·MD·                                            │
└                                                                              │
■═══════════════────────────────∙[] Creditz []∙─────────────────═══════════════■
║                                                                              ┐
║ ■ Idea        -x- Master Death                                               │
║ ■ Main Codin' -x- Soild Dust                                                 │
│ ■ GFX         -x- SamsoN                                                     │
│ ■ Muzax       -x- The Weaver                                                 │
│                                                                              │
│ Big thnx 2 Helly 4 support...                                                │
│                                                                              ┘
■═══════════════────────────────∙[] Contacts []∙────────────────═══════════════■
┌                                                                              ║
│ ATTENTI0N!! -- now it's your last chance to hook up with us. We are in big   ║
│ need of one or two more coders & one artist, so if you wanna be the first -  ║
│ don't call us. Dudez from Europe, we need Euro HQ! Contact senior staff or   ║
│ our courriers....							       ║
│									       ║
│	  ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────            ║
│									       ║
│ Well... We accept all commercial offers... & will B glad 2 make dem0 4 U...  ║
│                                                                              ║
│                     ··∙∙ Our supported boardz ∙∙··                           ║
│                                                                              ║
│ Name:                  Tel:                    SysGod:                       ║
│ ──────────────────··═══════════════════════════════··─────────────────────── ║
│                                                                              ║
│ Killed·In·Action·WHQ   +7(095) 131-60-51       Master Death                  ║
│                                                                              ║
│ Dead·Line·Connection   +7(095) 498-■■-■■       Nord Pc                       │
│                                                                              │
│ Bytefall·RHQ           +7(095) 384-22-35       Euggie                        │
│                                                                              │
│ Life·On·Tv             +7(095) 262-■■-■■       Steel Rager                   │
│                                                                              │
│ Increation             +7(095) 433-90-33       Acid Victim                   │
│									       │
│ Lost·In·Time	         +7(095) 952-■■─■■       Steel Rat, Royal Ghost        │
│									       │
│ BiG·Vova·INC		 +7(095) 963-67-95       BiG Vova                      │
│									       │
│ Beauty·&·the·Beast     +7(095) 245-■■-■■       Bloody Mary                   │
│									       │
│ ──────────────────··═══════════════════════════════··─────────────────────── │
│                                                                              │
│ Or write netmail: 2:5020/181.17@FidoNet 2:5020/249.7@FidoNet                 │
└                                                                              │
│              Well... That's all... C U L8er in our next demo...              │
│                                                                              │
               -- Cool thiz ware before using ... 
	 	  Keep out of reach of children ... --
Compiled by TMD  ■ =)