
The Little Nice Thing

█                            The little nice thing                            █
█                       this must be the info file i guess                    █

1. Basic things you should know ( requirements and troubleshoting )
    I have not tested the intro extensively so i can't guarantee
  that there is not a hidden bug somewhere in the megs of code. :-)
    It worked quite well in a 486DX4 100mhz, but the computer didn't
  have an adlib card, anyway i think that the sound card won't affect
  the execution speed.
    Let's get to the point, the requirements are :
      486DX4 100Mhz
      Adlib compatible sound card
      A VGA board ( i hope you can get one )

    It is possible that the intro doesn't detects the card, so if you're
  really convinced that you have an adlib compatible, you can try typing :
    TLNT L
    It will wait a lit bit more for the card. I guess this is the normal
  time for detecting but i don't want you to think "Hey this shit only makes
  lots of precalcs".

    If the intro still doesn't want to talk to your sound thing, you can force
  the intro to play the music anyway. In other words you skip the autodetection.
    TLNT S

    There's also a nasty posibility : the intro detects the card but then it
  crashes. Soooo no music please.
    TLNT N

2. Some words about "The little nice thing"
    Ok, I agree, the code is not fully optimized. In fact i can make it
  faster, specially for those dudes that have their ooold 486s :-) but it
  will look _very_ ugly. The scrolly fonts are mapped point by point, because
  otherwise it doesn't look so smooth. And i want more than 64 colors in the
    As you can see the proggy is quite small. Its size was less than 3400
  bytes. It included code,graphics and music. But it was a scroller. Now,
  a hard question : what evil monster does live in scrollers? Yes! you guessed
  it : TEXT, and it has a size of 2500 bytes. So it became big.
    Hey! but scrollers suck!
    No way! I love scrollers. Can you imagine a scene without scrollers?
  I can't. The intro didn't entered any competition, that was why i put some
  letters, to give it life.

    You have surely noticed that the music was composed by a coder. :-)
  I'm not good for tracking and such. I have even made the tracker.
  Promise me you won't laught, its name is LAME TRACKER. I have made it,
  because it was faster than trying to play those weird FM-S3M files. I
  coded it in 3-4 days.

    Have you said graphics?
    Yes the background stars have been drawn by me ( not all the rotations! )

3. introducing tha kewl guy that koded intro
    Hi! my full name is Alexey Luis Rodriguez Yakushev.
  I'm 18 years old and i'm studying in the UMSS in Cochabamba.
  You guessed it, i'm studying computer science and i have just begun.
  I'm one year old in the scene and keep growing. Maybe someday you'll
  see a full MEGADEMO made by me ( my dream :).
  As i don't have a stable address over here, you can write me at :


  There's where my dad and brother live, so i'll get your letter anyway.
  I will likely answer but _not_for_swapping_! Try to give me your E-MAIL
  address if you have, it and you'll get an answer pretty faster. If you
  live in Bolivia don't wait a minute and write me right now!

4. Is there a Bolivian scene ?
    It's hard to answer because to my knowledge there are only two active
  freaks : PAV and me.
    PAV ( aka Pablo Andres Veliz ) made a demo some years ago. He didn't
  release it. It includes some bunch of cool effects (i hope that it will be
  released). Tha sad thing is that he didn't code a new demo or intro.
    We met in a software contest held in Oruro one year ago ( not DEMOCOMPO
  :-( ). I presented my first attempt in the demoscene. It has a 3d flag (only
  vector points), some plasma routines and vector balls, and a DAC mod-player
  ( i have not a soundcard ). I haven't released it because it was _slow_
  and the module is ripped ( thanks mel o`dee !). I only like the plasma part.
  This intro is my second production, try to find the three secrets!
    There are maybe more guys that can enter in the scene. A friend that coded
  a sprite drawing thingy ( TNX Enzo! ) and he's likely gonna make a demo or
  intro. And there's also a friend who's trying to learn coding.
    But there's a problem : no graphicians , no musicians. We poor coders!
  have to make all the work.

5. Group greets

In no order!

Future Crew,Triton,EMF,Capacala,Keen Like Frogs,Complex,Coma,NoooN,Orange
Iguana,CNCD,Cubic team,Imphobia,Realtech,Psychic Link,Plant,Lots more...

To my IIX friends ( they don't belong to the scene ) no order

<*** End of File ***>      Can you recognize?