
No Limit by MAD

			- Documentation 2 Nolimit-Demo -

First lemme show ya de crediz:

- Gfx & Coding : Brain
- Muzak        : Tse-Tse
- Helpful ideas: Coke²
- Modplayer    : Mark J. Cox (tnx a lot!)

TNX 4...

- Moral support  : Mister X
- Radio moderatin: Eike
- Tellin jokes   : Roger
- Mailbox chattin: Ant & Fox of Ratsoft
- Last minute aid: TRITON
- Publishin      : CDA & TCB

Now lemme tellya something about de used routines:

- Modplayer         : Taken from Mark J. Cox
- Elastros          : Changed in last minute at TCC
- Shade Bobs        : Inspirated through loz of c00l demos
- First Plasma      : Found formula in old magazine :)
- Second Plasma     : Runs on some machines a little bit 2 fast :(
- XTC-Part          : Have seen it first time in Disco SKYLAB...

GTX 2...

- All members of M.A.D. 'n' A.C.C.
- All guesz of TCC '93
- Gio, Falcon, Matze
- all pupils who joined de 2BKDT1 at MES

Thaz all, Folx...

If u wanna contact us, make a CLL 2 our BBS:

+49-7o24-6353 (19-15h every day)