
Red Horn/E-Factor BBS by The Toxic Dream

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                              -^- P R E S E N T S -^-

                        -^- RED HORN/E-FACTOR BBS-iNTRO -^-

   │                             - RELEASE iNFO -                            │
   │ A little VGA/SB advertisement intro for our BBS'es..   We used STMIK    │
   │ becoz we don't have own music player yet.. I'll maybe start coding own  │
   │ musicsystem, but if you're a good coder without group, and you can code │
   │ a fast music system with assembler, please contact us!                  │
   │                             - TTD MEMBERS -                             │
   │          BLUE MAX ...................... CODiNG, GFX, SWAPPiNG          │
   │          DA FORCE ...................... SWAPPiNG, GFX                  │
   │          DGE ........................... CODiNG, GFX, MUSiC             │
   │          MEAK WOLF ..................... CODiNG, BBS                    │
   │          MR SULU ....................... GFX                            │
   │          RiSiNG SEA .................... MUSiC, BBS                     │
   │                         - RELEASED PRODUCTiONS -                        │
   │  PROD. NAME          │  DESCRiPTiONS                                    │
   │ TTDINTRO             │ Our 1st production.. Little intro with VGA/SB    │
   │ FlashLight BBS-intro │ FlashLight BBS advertisement  (Forget it 'coz    │
   │                      │ FlashLight isn't our BBS anymore (but call Flash │
   │                      │ Light anyway =) (+358-0-768524)))                │
   │ BallGame ][          │ A game with VGA/SB support..   Play it!          │
   │                      │ And don't forget to register =)                  │
   │ Red Horn/E-Factor    │ Little advertisement for our BBS'es.             │
   │ BBS-intro            │                                                  │
   │                            - COMiNG SOON (?) -                          │
   │  PROD. NAME          │  DESCRiPTiONS                                    │
   │ EXCESSUS             │ A GR8(?) megademo..  Wait for it!                │
   │                    - HOW TO GET iN TOUCH WiTH US?? -                    │
   │ BY MODEM:     RED HORN (WHQ) ..... +358-(9)0-745070   SYSOP: MEAK WOLF  │
   │               E-FACTOR ........... +358-(9)0-5885915  SYSOP: RISING SEA │
   │                                                                         │
   │ IF YOU DON'T HAVE MODEM:                                                │
   │                                                                         │
   │      BLUE MAX of TTD                               DA FORCE of TTD      │
   │      Jarrumiehenkatu 2 B 104                       Rautahatuntie 25     │
   │      SF-00520 Helsinki                             SF-00920 Helsinki    │
   │      Finland                                       Finland              │
   │      Europe                                        Europe               │
   │                                                                         │
   │    If you send us your latest demo or something other cool stuff, and   │
   │    you're not a lamer, you'll get 100% answer!                          │
                                                                -Blue Max '92