
Caustic Verses #1 by Gash

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║ i s s u e  ⁿ° 1 ╔═╝         ▀▓  ▓■    ▀ ▀■  ▓▀ ■ ▓▀   ■ ╚═╗ (c) G A S H '96 ║
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	Welcome to this new Swedish disk magazine from GASH in 1996.
	There isn't really a great number of articles in this issue,
	quite understandable if you consider that it has been done in
	a hurry and that it's darn hard to get people to move their 
	asses ;) and write something. Many people probaby want to write
	articles but don't know what to write about. For this reason,
	we included a small collection of ideas and topics. If you find
	that there's something missing in the mag, do something about it
	yourself - send us a suggestion and one (or a few) articles under
	that topic so we can include it!

	In this issue no charts is available because very few people
	actually voted. The remedy for this problem to send your votes to us!
	You'll find the votesheet in the packet so that YOU can vote for
	the Caustic Verses issue #2!

	!! Send stuff, like articles, votes and interviews to us !!

	INTeL 80386+ compatible microprocessor + mother board etc.
	VGA screen and card
	Enough memory :)

	Dual Pentium Pro 150MHz
	Ultra-mega-SVGA 256bit 1nS memory
	Gravis Ultrasound PnP Pro with 8 meg of memory
	Eyes, ears and fingers! :)  (Sorry all of you! :) )
	Win95 keyboard
	DOS 28.38
	USR Courier 36k2

	486dx2 - 66 with GUS (1Mb)/ Pentium with SB16
	Fast VLB (S)VGA screen and card

Trouble shooting:
	In the 3rd tune, the module is approx. 600kb large, and thus, people
	with only 512kb GUS may not be able to hear it. Midas may test for
	this and throw you out of the diskmag, but since we don't have a
	512kb GUS, we cannot test this...  Be warned though!

	If you have the wrong soundcard selection, delete midas.cfg to try

	If you are stupid enough to run this diskmag from Windows (tm), then
	you may have some problems. Especially with sound on. If you run the
	diskmag with no sound, then it should run ok, but with sound on,
	Windows may hang when you exit Windows. The diskmag is not ment to be
	run from Windows, so don't blame us!
	Since we don't have Win95 (thank God!), we don't know how the diskmag
	reacts under it (hopefully it doesn't react at all!).

	Since Midas handles all errors, it may throw you out to DOS, but since
	we didn't code Midas, we don't know how to fix it. :) Buy more memory,
	don't delete the vital files, don't choose a non-existent soundcard,
	and don't eat your keyboard! :)

	The printing isn't as reliable as we would wish. So ensure that your
	printer is online and feed it with paper, else unpredictable results
	may happen. (We tried to solve this the best way, but at the moment,
	we cant find out how to check if the printer is online.)

	How to send your material:

	1) Via Netmail to Solomon
	Andreas Sigfridsson (at) 2:201/469.7

	2) Upload it to Evolution BBS at +46 (0)8-50022544 (28k8 24hrs)

	3) The address to which to snail mail your disk to:

              Fredrik Stråhle
	      Bertilsbergsv. 11
              S-181 57 Lidingö
		- Note: If you want to send money, chicks or beer to us
		  you should send a money order / use a parcel service,
		  never trust a mailman !   :)

	We take no responsibility for anything whatsoever concerning the 
	contents of this archive. (easy enough? :))				
			(All trademarks acknowledged!)

	Caustic Verses (c)(tm) 1995-96 GASH.
	Caustic Verses #1 is PUBLIC DOMAIN / FREEWARE. It may be 
	transferred / copied / whatever as long as there's no one
	else than us making money from it. The articles and contents
	are (c) GASH and the resp. writers, and may NOT be changed in
	any way without written permission from GASH.

	GASH are Bigge, Headcase, Kanser, Solomon, Thor