
Undercover Magascene #13 by Poets Of Decay


| ____  _________________  __         |
|/  _ \ \ _/       /   __\/  \ volume |
|\_/  / / \    /\__\__/  \/   \ XIII  |
|/    \/  /    \/  /     /    /=======|
|\____    \____    \____/    /25/1o/98|
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the sound of the rain...
soothes my soul...
the comeback of memories...
makes me feel old...

but my memory fades...
the yearning gets less...
my hopes are smashed...
like heaven's trash...

Stefan Benz (c) 1998 poets of decay


Yes... finally it's finished!

Maybe  it's too  late, maybe  not, the
point that we don't spreaded  the date
of  release gave us  some room  and so
there wasn't the  big pressure as with
former releases.

This issue could have hit  the scene 2
or even 3 weeks earlier, but this time
a very strange thing happened! As some
of you know I'm  changing  my flat and
at the moment I'm still sitting on the
cartons  with all the stuff, but in my
old flat! Since  the 1st  of October I
rent  a new  one (address in the mag!)
but I couldn't move as fast  as I have
thought at  first. So  the intro, what
DEEZ of  MiND DESiGN promised me, does
not  reached me... it was  sent to  my
new address even  if I wasn't  already
living there... so the letter was sent
back to Sweden... aaarg! 

I know, it's my fault, but I don't had
the knowledge of the problems with all
this stuff, moving  from  one flat  to
the  new  one,  esp. because  my whole
family is  changing the  flats  at the

Anyway, all  stuff can  be sent  to my
new address now. I think  with the end
of October I  will live  there, hey! I
already have to pay my rent!

This confusing stuff opened the chance
to  write some more articles and so we
smashed through the 1 MB frontier this
time... massive, eh?! =)

I will not  talk about all the  things
in the  mag but  I have  to enclose  a
message concerning  the SiliConvention
1999. Because  it seems  as  the whole
old  organizer staff  isn't interested
in a new  edition  of this  party, the
Dresden  posse (Checkpoint, Escape and
maybe some  others) will take over the
job to organize  the historical easter
party next year. At the moment nothing
is save but  I think in the next issue
of the UCM we can spread the first and
maybe sure informations about it!

Another topic: the  things  between us
and  Maggie. Some  people don't  liked
the latest  UCM and were one a crusade
against us. Maybe they're right, maybe
not. Anyway, we'll  go in  competition
now... up to now  all was fake. And if
someone thinks we want to split up the
scene I want to ask you "Why?!".

It's the most dull thing I ever heard,
please think, not we, the  makers will
split anything, no, the readers decide
what they have to do...
Anyway, Maggie  has made  a step which
hitted  us  a bit  unprepared  and  we
still don't know why they (or at least
Mr Pink) were  going  so mad, but  the
most surprising  thing is that all the
people who claimed  that we're the mad
killers  of the scene, were quiet this
time... even  if  the  Maggie  crusade
against us  is one of  the most unfair
and unsavoury in the history of the ST
scene  at all, esp. the  motivation to
do such a slagg-off  is unintelligible
for us at all...

But I still think that the guys who're
claiming  that  we're  splitting  this
scene will again kick us for our kicks
against Maggie in UCM 13 and this will
be much more  unintelligible because I
think we  have the  right, no, we have
the  duty to fight  against such  rude
and unfair attacks...

"Ihr müsst uns schon totschlagen damit
wir unsere Gusche halten!!!"

And there's another topic where I want
to talk  about. It seems as a big part
of the  Atari scene is very intolerant
at  the moment. Yes, you're  right! It
seems  as words  like "friendship" are
not  worth  anything! "What the hell?"
you'll ask, maybe...
It's the  thing with the PC buying old
Atarians. Just like mOd, he was fucked
like  hell as he told that he bought a
PC... No one asked why but many wanted
to kick him for this... What's up? Are
you looking  just for  friends with an
Atari at home? And do you really think
it will make fun to mOd to paint  some
stuff for  people  who're  so  fucking
intolerant? I think not... it seems as
not the people who're  buying PC leave
the scene, no they were more kicked by
the Atarians itself, even if they want
to go on for this scene...
It's so dull to call them traitors and
liars  because they  aren't! Have  you
ever thought about the word "friend"?!
It seems  not. Is a  machine much more
worth than a real friend?! NEVER!
So  just  think  a little  bit  before
kicking another one!
moondog - "PC User in spe"

Ok... That's it. 

...moondog........ 25.1o.98 - 11:35 PM