
Wo wirst du sein in Ewigkeit? by Spirits

>> and though they found no cause for death in him
   they asked pilate that he should be put to death
   now when they had fulfilled all that was written concerning him,
   they took him down from the tree and laid him into a tomb.


   he was seen for many days by those who came up with him
   from galilee to jerusalem, who are witnesses to the people. <<

                                                  [acts 13:28-31]


                    W O   W I R S T   D U   S E I N   I N

                               E W I G K E I T

                               (update nov 96)

    sebastian & gerald - spirits
    started around march 22th/25th 1996.
    basing on some old stuff which i wrote around summer 1995.
    completed april 5th + 6th 1996 "live" at symposium hamburg

    the LORD
    SYMPOSIUM 96 convention four-kilobyte competition
    eastern mcmxcvi anno domini
    (do you know what happended these days !?)
    hamburg germany

    HErr, wie sind deine Werke so gro₧ und viel !
    Du hast sie alle weislich geordnet,
    und die Erde ist voll deiner Güter.
    Ps 104,24

    a normal falcon 030
    rgb-monitor or tv-set
    4-megabyte ram
    *no* resident stuff.

    these are *updated* versions.

    the earth rotation was changed to realistic values and the
    english-version verses were rewritten.
    this read-me file was not changed except for some small stylistic
    modifications. (hej! don't miss to read maggie #20 and undercover 6
    for some interesting 'press voices' ...)

    EWIG_ENG.PRG the english version (New King James)

    EWIG_GER.PRG the german version (Luther)

    special vga versions were planned but rejected.
    first reason was that we need the 50hz frame rate cpu time and vga
    monitors would need to be forced to ~50hz. some vga monitors don't
    like this.
    second reason was the 'missing' line-doubling on vga. the screen
    looked only half-as-good as the rgb-versions.
    third reason was that most falcon users have a secondary rgb monitor
    or tv connected to their machine or at least the possibility to do
    summary : there was no real need to do them.

    if you are owner of those multiscan-monitors which produce double
    vsync signals you *must* run TwinSync┐ or an equal patch before
    starting the demo. it will be heavily confused without.


this is our definite final production on *any* computer.
( our definite 'terminal breath' )

we've quit.

we've found the way, the truth, and the life.

we won't bore you with *any* details and tech data about the code
except a simple "IT WAS NOT EASY" because this childish
"i have faster routz i am better you are stoopid" really goez us
on the keks.

coding is crap anyway !

the *only* reason to produce this thingy and also the *only*
motivation which kept me going (i don't like coding any more,
i really must force myself, see termbrth.txt) was the possibility
to get our message to many people (organizers : ~400) by this
(unusual but effective) way.
any *further* minute spent with coding was lost time.

spoken honestly, we don't care about the competition itself and the
result and the place which our contribution will (maybe) win.
and we won't tell you, too.
our *real* WIN is if *anyone* of you will wake up from his
sleep and takes a look at this great old book.
any money gained with this product is property of the LORD and
will be invested for bibles and/or evangelistic literature -
*not* for our personal pleasures !

*read*, and realize

where things come from
why things are how they are
where things go to

you won't regret.

so don't look at the fx !
look at the text !!
and think about it !!!
and *act* !!!!


the competition was held yesterday and i really wonder about that ever-
thing went without any greater problems :
- i was ill before the party for more than ten days.
  just some hours before arriving in hamburg my cold vanished.
- the endpic was built-in 'live' here at the party in just two hours,
  also without greater problems. the screen was finished more than ten
  hours before the deadline.
  if you know the background noise at those parties and 'murphy's law'
  you know that one 'debugging-minute' is around - at least -
  eight 'party-minutes' !
- our screen was accepted for the competition.
- and it ran perfectly !
that's no coincidence.
that's GRACE.

the party itself is so lala.

it is really nice to meet all the old kolleschs but
three days sitting in front of a monitor and coding senseless stuff makes
no fun anymore.
that's no miracle.
when the Holy Spirit arrives the scene spirit must bug off.
please don't get angry.
but we have found out that we've still an important job to do and very
little time is remaining.
a job which needs all our time and leaves none for (demo-)coding.
a job which brings fruit which endure the test of fire.
think about your fruit. does anyone still give a word about 'warum' ? or
the 'union demo' ? and how much time and sweat did it take producing
them !
but won't these all burn and vanish ? ...


don't waste your short lifetime with senseless coding
for senseless competitions.
 don't forget to enjoy the blue sky sometimes (bdc)

    |  jesus  |
    |  α | Ω  |
    |  christ |

god's letter to YOU

>> and you he made alive who were dead in trespasses and sins
   in which you once walked according to the course of this world
   according to the prince of the power of the air
   the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience
   among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of the
   flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind,
   and were nature children of wrath, just as the others ...
   ... now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners,
   but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of
   god ... <<

   ephesians 2:1-3,19a

wouldn't you like this to be valid also for yourself ?

think about it

	sebastian + gerald

(small hint : start with john, continue with romans, matthew ...)

post scriptum :

gerald spreer      or   sebastian hennig
brücknerstra₧e 3        wolfskaute 4
98070 würzburg          64331 weiterstadt
phone 0177 3014874
germany                 germany

please *don't* write to us for anything concerning computers ... :-)


personal message to avena who said :

  "Jesus built my car. It's a love-affair, mainly Jesus and
  my hot-rod." [readme to the avena+dc fried bits 3 thing]

poor guys. not only did he build YOU and ME and all the penguins,
but also everything you can look at and even much more.
your judge or your saviour - your choice.

            [matthew 3:2]